How many years before you got your first bull?

It took me 4 years of archery to finally get one on the ground. Sadly enough the first 3 years all were results of missed shots.
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Forgot to add my advice earlier. On my first bull, I killed him the morning of day 12. I almost didn't go out that morning as I was by myself and had to head for home. My second bull was again on day 12. Make sure you hunt until the bitter end, you'll be second guessing yourself for the next year if you don't, and that last minute might be when you get it done...
Amen to that! Elk don’t know or care if it’s the first day or the last day of your hunt. Not only is killing a bull toward the end of your hunt satisfying but also you learn so much by hunting all week AND in the future you’ll never forget it so you’ll be motivated to stick it out until the sun is about to go down on the last day. D1AFD81A-3A45-4D7A-949A-B1FC474B6A73.jpeg
Finally tagged on my 4th year. Nearly all of my seasons have been only 5 days of hunting...I'd arrange for more than that if you can. But, I'd drive out and drop $600+ for even 3 days of elk hunting...I got it that bad:)
about 10 minutes into opening day on my first trip and then my bud killed also. we were 12 to 15 miles from the truck and had a few feet of snow.
the second year it was about an hour into the first day when my bud shot and about 10 minutes later i killed.

horses or not we learned to not do that again. when he killed the third year we quit and got the meat out.

back then snow was a given.
I’m at 9 years but I don’t count the first 4-5 years because I was hunting way differently. The first 3 years I didn’t see an elk, and last year I called in 14 bulls within 30 yards- so I feel like the scales are tipping my direction. That said, Cory Jacobson hunted 9 years before he notched an archery tag and his hunting partner Donny hunted 13 years before he was successful with a bow. Honestly I don’t look at the tag as the measure of success as much as my progression. It’s a steep learning curve that requires time and knowledge. Alls I can do is continue to soak up as much knowledge as I can and put myself in the best position. Tags will get notched, but when they do, it will be a very small part of my journey.

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It took me 3 years to kill one with a rifle, 6 years with a bow. Biggest piece of advise I got was be aggressive. I was always too afraid of messing things up I definitely think I cost myself a few bulls.
My first hunting season was 2008. I didn’t shoot my first elk until 2011. That bull I stumbled upon just happened to be there out of sheer luck. There was no skill or homework that went into this harvest. I simply hiked down a logging road and there happened to be elk feeding their way through. The next elk i didn’t kill for another 5 years and then I’ve harvested an elk every year from 2016 to 2019. The elk that I’ve harvested the last 4 years have all been because i changed my tactics as a hunter and learned the specifics on elk behavior and the area we were hunting in. Once i started doing my homework then the success followed.

These were all with a rifle, still hoping to get one with a bow someday

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Well, it took me 11 years. However, I was chasing the elusive spikes in the Blue Mountains of Eastern Washington, so I don't really consider that hunting, more like hiking and looking at all the bulls I couldn't shoot. I finally said enough and went to Idaho and shot one my first year and have been successful every year since, this year I will be hunting bull #10 and #11.
Love that advice. I have a 4 year old and am already dreaming about our future elk hunts. Great job getting your son involved!
Technically, he got me into hunting. When he was 9 he asked if I could teach him to hunt. I had never hunted before so we took hunter's safety together and started from there. He's 18 now and we're heading up for out 8th season together. He'll be first shooter this year each day. Can't wait!
It took me 2 years to get a cow, 3 years for a bull all rifle.... switched to archery. 5 years to get a cow the next year I got a bull about 3 tenths of a mile away.
I got one last year on my first hunt, Archery, but it was a hard to draw NM tag and there were plenty elk. Killed on the 6th day. After seeing or getting into elk everyday before that, It was a great learning experience that I hope helps me this year. Heading to CO on a secondary draw tag in September to try for number two!
Wow! I won't be setting my bar that high. Although I am hoping the fact that I drew a tag this year in Colorado will help improve my odds. Definitely has to be less people than I saw last year in the OTC unit.

I see you're from Colorado. If you have any insight into GMU's 7,8.9,19 or 191? I'm a sponge right now for any information I can find.

Sorry man, no insight for units.

I’m hunting high pressure OTC this year.
I’ll see LOTS of hunters, but I’m not worried.

The key (imo) is to learn a unit, and more specifically spots within that unit. Call them your spots, because you own them... and know every inch, nook and cranny.

My OTC success is the same as my draw success.
My first 300 came from OTC. Must have seen 12-14 people in my area that year...I just hunted harder.

Really, my point was the last sentence of previous post...I believe I’ll be successful this year.
So, that’s what’s going to happen.
Took 3 years for my first elk the elk population wasn't very high back when I first started in the area I still hunt today, but been pretty fortunate overall with 23 Elk in 29 years of hunting (3 years I doubled up on elk), this will be 30th year so crossing my fingers for another 300"+ bull.