New Mexico Success


Jul 11, 2013
My "ANY ELK" DIY hunt in New Mexico turned out great again. Me and my buddy ElkMtnGear both tagged out on day 4! I shot mine in the morning and his in the evening. Made for a lonngggg day of skinning and packing , until just after midnight. I shot a dink 3x3, cause i love elk meat! Jeff shot a VERY nice 6x6 for the same reason. :) They gave us a shot and we took it! LOL. I love hunting elk. Too bad we have to wait til next year to go again. Bulls were very vocal. Saw several 300+ , but not shot opportunities. We have a very good buddy system worked out to get bulls coming in to check us out. Quite a few came in, but managed to get by without getting shot. lol. We tried the no bugle, rake trees method. Worked like a champ!

My "ANY ELK" DIY hunt in New Mexico turned out great again. Me and my buddy ElkMtnGear both tagged out on day 4! I shot mine in the morning and his in the evening. Made for a lonngggg day of skinning and packing , until just after midnight. I shot a dink 3x3, cause i love elk meat! Jeff shot a VERY nice 6x6 for the same reason. :) They gave us a shot and we took it! LOL. I love hunting elk. Too bad we have to wait til next year to go again. Bulls were very vocal. Saw several 300+ , but not shot opportunities. We have a very good buddy system worked out to get bulls coming in to check us out. Quite a few came in, but managed to get by without getting shot. lol. We tried the no bugle, rake trees method. Worked like a champ!

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Oh you guys totally ROCK. My honey and I both have cow tags, so we hope for the act of God tag 2 in 1 day. Really nice looking animals and you two will have freezers full! Congrats!