NF nx8 1-8 or Eotech vudu 1-10

Nov 13, 2023
I currently have a Steiner P4xi but I just moved to an area with a range that goes out to 800yrs. For the last month I have been trying to learn about scopes. ffp/sfp, different reticles, and every brand and model that is reliable or not. I have learned a ton but am wanting to verify all the info that I have gleaned from different internet sources before I make a final decision. I don’t know any one personally in this hobby so everything has been self learned so far and am really hoping for some rokslide feedback here. Yall helped me decide on the kifaru 357 I purchased and it was a great decision.

I had originally decided between the trijicon tenmile 3-18 and the NF shv 4-14 based on all the reviews and comments on here. I’ve come to realize this truly is a long range forum and my use of target practice at 800 and in just doesn’t justify either of those. Please tell me if that conclusion is wrong.

I looked at the Trijicon credo 2-10, decided against it because of reported poor reticle use below 4x. I wanted to like the NF nxs line but want a tree reticle and just can’t come around to using SFP. Please tell me if that’s the wrong conclusion.

So after all this deliberation I’ve come back to a lpvo still fitting my needs best, just something greater than 4x.

I’m not into trying things to sell for a lose and am really trying to make a lifetime purchase.

The Vudu is appealing because it goes to 10x where the NF only goes to 8x.

The NF is appealing because it is known to have a super bright reticle, which I’m used to with my Steiner.

Durability is high on my list since this is a lifetime purchase. The NF is known for it. The Eotech I’m slightly apprehensive. I have not been able to find much feed back (good or bad) on the Vudu line durability. Anybody know of one that’s been beaten up and how it faired?

Both are in my budget, but the Vudu can be found about $400 cheaper right now. I’m a penny pincher like a lot of us, so I’m also trying to get this narrowed down before Black Friday lol.

For the reasons listed, I’m torn between which to go with. Looking for any first hand input to sway me one way or the other.
Nov 13, 2023
Edit: FWIW the Steiner t6xi 2.5-15 was really on my radar but I was turned off by the fact that it only come in green illumination and their poor track record with durability in other lines. I have had to rezero my p4xi once, but it was literally in a tornado so even my first hand with it is slightly inconclusive
Dec 27, 2012
I have a couple of NX8 1-8x and I love them. I have used them extensively on 556 platforms, but have also used them on on a 65G and a 65CM rifle with no issues. It is probably my favorite scope I have ever used. The reticle took me some time to get used to for shooting past 200yds, but it is the most durable and reliable scope I have ever owned.


Nov 22, 2020
I use 2 NX8 1-8's, exposed elevation, and think highly of them, but mainly for closer (500 and in) shooting. A couple of things that should be considered with them specifically for longer range:

1. Elevation adjustments are .2 MIL and .5 MOA - it can be noticeable when fine tuning at distance.

2. The dot is not a fine dot, it's pretty thick. It's workable at distance, but can cover a fair bit of target.

Not trying to steer you away from them, just be aware of.

I noticed you mentioned a tree reticle. I don't use one of the capped NX8's so I can't give much input there. I prefer to dial for distance. If the DMx reticle was available with an exposed elevation turret I'd probably have one.
Nov 13, 2023
Thanks for the response.

The reasons you listed are exactly why I’m torn. I’m wanting something for the 400-800 range. Realistically I am not in places where I can shoot to 1,000+. My p4xi has done well for me 400 and under and I plan on keeping it. At 8x and as an LPVO I’m worried the nx8 isn’t the best for those yardages. Being that I’ve got a short range optic already, do you think I’d be better suited getting a 3-15. It’s where I had started this journey at but the only sub $2k option I found was the tenmile and the shv 4-14. I know both have good reviews on here but a lot of people said neither shined until 5x or 6x. I also was looking at the nx8 2.5-20 but I don’t want to sacrifice quality for a x8 mag range, especially when I’m staying within 800m.

In your opinion, would one of those suit me better? I wish there were more 2-10 options. The credo has so so reviews and I’m just not sure about an nxs that is sfp with no tree.

Like I mentioned, I’m learning this all by myself, so it’s pretty daunting to make the right purchase. Any advice is very welcome
Nov 13, 2023
On top of all that, should I forget the tree and learn to dial? It would give the nxs line as an option then I guess for the 2-10. It’s a lot to take in lol
Dec 27, 2012
I haven’t had any real issues using the NX8 out to 800yds, but I also dial so the RTZ feature on the turrets is nice. I also have a 2.5-10x and it is pretty rad. I don‘t think a guy can go wrong with either scope.
Nov 13, 2023
I haven’t had any real issues using the NX8 out to 800yds, but I also dial so the RTZ feature on the turrets is nice. I also have a 2.5-10x and it is pretty rad. I don‘t think a guy can go wrong with either scope.

Do you mind explaining how you use the 2.5-10. I think I might have the wrong understanding of second focal plane. Say you’re shooting something at 500 yards at 7 magnification. Are you doing exact math in your head for hold over or just eyeballing it a little high on the crosshairs?
Nov 13, 2023
Or, maybe I just had an epiphany on this. With sfp, maybe you’re dialing at 500 yards and not using a hold over at all. Here I’ve been thinking that the amount you dial changes with what mag your on. But I think I just realized the the amount you dial is irrelevant to what mag your on, because it’s always at .1 intervals. Is that correct?


Nov 22, 2020
Dialing eliminates holding elevation, FFP or SFP, power doesn't matter if you're dialing.

Same can be said for dialing windage...but I don't dial windage and I don't know any that do. Holding windage is where a FFP measured reticle really helps at distance...power doesn't matter, the hold is the same (at least the measurement is the same). Holding windage with a SFP measured reticle, power matters because the measurements of the reticle will vary. Calculations can be done but it's not something I want to do in the moment. Anytime you're referencing a measured reticle with SFP, in use, you should consider it a fixed power scope and make sure you're on that power.
Dec 27, 2012
Or, maybe I just had an epiphany on this. With sfp, maybe you’re dialing at 500 yards and not using a hold over at all. Here I’ve been thinking that the amount you dial changes with what mag your on. But I think I just realized the the amount you dial is irrelevant to what mag your on, because it’s always at .1 intervals. Is that correct?
I dial and rarely use a hold over, it just simplifies everything for Me. I also try to do a magnification for every 100yds…..depending on the size of the target.


Classified Approved
Jul 29, 2020
Trees are a personal preference. They are great if you are engaging multiple targets at different ranges in a limited time window where you have a spotter who is telling you the holdovers (that's a mouthful). If you don't do that, and if you have never used one and would be learning it anyway, I think you would prefer to skip the tree.

Both dialing and holding elevation are prone to some human error, but dialing is objectively a more precise way to aim and in hunting scenarios I've found it's not any slower than holdovers
Nov 13, 2023
I’ve had the chance to do a little more research/learning and went to the range between now and when I made this post with all the things you guys have said in my head while I was there.

I believe I’ve come to the conclusion that the Nxs 2.5-10 will suit my needs best. I think a tree was one of those things that I thought would make me shoot better but after using my current scope on 4x out to 400 yards, and learning more about BC and MPBR I think the simple/constant size SFP reticle will fit my realistic use more.

Now to find a deal on a Nxs.

Thanks for everyone who gave their input.


Jul 26, 2023
Edit: FWIW the Steiner t6xi 2.5-15 was really on my radar but I was turned off by the fact that it only come in green illumination and their poor track record with durability in other lines. I have had to rezero my p4xi once, but it was literally in a tornado so even my first hand with it is slightly inconclusive
After shooting red illumination for several years. I’m not sure I’ll go back after using green on a Steiner for the last 8 months. If you haven’t given it a shot in low light it’s worth seeing how your eyes respond.
Nov 13, 2023
I have a green dot mro and hate the use of it compared to my red dots. Granted, different than a whole green reticle, but the lack of feedback on the t6xi along with the amount being resold compared to a Nightforce has swayed me away from them. I found my current steiner out of zero a second time. As mentioned it was in a trailer that got flipped in a tornado so possibly not Steiners fault. The p4xi have decent reputation. But going through the process of sending a scope back is one I really want to avoid. The 4-6 week lead time has put me out of shooting in my time off


Oct 22, 2018
Littleton, CO
A couple things.

I just picked up a nx8 and really like it. It is intuitive and built well. Will stretch its legs out soon.

I’d add a SWFA 1-6hd to your list. It’s still one of my favorite lpvo. Very easy to shoot with and a sleeper for sure.

If you find a deal on a NXS let me know. Looking for one for a hunting rifle (c461).


Aug 12, 2015
Moxee, WA
Like above Id check out the NXS 2.5-10. I picked up a 2.5-10x32 with mil dot reticle. Thing weights like 19-20 oz and is perfect for my use