Received the Vaccine today...

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Well religion and personal disagreements out of it, there are valid concerns for getting the shot and not getting the shot. Do I believe the bad outweighs the good? No, I believe it’s probably best to get it. That being said, yes it does give me pause. There are some saying that the mutations in the next year could invalidate the current shot and you have to start over.

My sisters best friend sent this yesterday. I have the opportunity to get it, have not yet. I’m on the fence and undecided at this point. I need more evidence that it will be valid in 6 months.

Names/vulgarity blocked out for privacy.

Yes...because books telling you that you will burn for eternity, are all about understanding our place in human existence, fake stories to scare people into joining a cult.

Did the human fetus volunteer its life??? Nope.
Have you ever heard of the word allegory? Maybe look it up.
No, the human fetus didn’t volunteer its life, that’s my point. I assume you’re asking if the fetus volunteered to be created? In that case, did anyone volunteer to be created? If not, then is that really something we want to be basing our standard for what constitutes a human being with a right to life? Because if so, then no one has a right to life since none of us “volunteered” for life and by your logic can be destroyed for any reason deemed justified by anyone. Or at least our don’t tell Mom the turkey is dry at thanksgiving or risk termination, I guess.
Thanks for your really deep analysis - it’s really apparent you haven’t looked into any of this beyond the depths of a Bill Maher monologue.
Have you ever heard of the word allegory? Maybe look it up.
No, the human fetus didn’t volunteer its life, that’s my point. I assume you’re asking if the fetus volunteered to be created? In that case, did anyone volunteer to be created? If not, then is that really something we want to be basing our standard for what constitutes a human being with a right to life? Because if so, then no one has a right to life since none of us “volunteered” for life and by your logic can be destroyed for any reason deemed justified by anyone. Or at least our don’t tell Mom the turkey is dry at thanksgiving or risk termination, I guess.
Thanks for your really deep analysis - it’s really apparent you haven’t looked into any of this beyond the depths of a Bill Maher monologue.

Sorry to expose you to the horrors of an opinion other than yours.
I concede that no one has moved to name calling yet, but can you take the fight to PMs or start another thread? Or maybe just take a day and realize that arguing on the internet is often pointless? (And this coming from one who has been guilty of the same, but more often than not I’ve looked back and wondered why I didn’t just let it go.)

So ... @coop22250, how’s your sister’s best friend doing today?
I got the J&J vaccine yesterday. Woke up with a sore arm and a little groggy but feeling great otherwise. I'm just looking forward to moving on and living life.
Sorry to expose you to the horrors of an opinion other than yours.
Don't express your opinion on a public forum if you can't handle people picking it apart. Perhaps you can digest some of the criticism and counterpoints and use them to try and add intellectual depth to your understanding of the subject matter. Or, just get defensive and claim I'm horrified by your shallow analyses of complex subject matter. Over-valuing One's own opinion is a hubristic trait, which is aligned with my previous assertation.
I concede that no one has moved to name calling yet, but can you take the fight to PMs or start another thread? Or maybe just take a day and realize that arguing on the internet is often pointless? (And this coming from one who has been guilty of the same, but more often than not I’ve looked back and wondered why I didn’t just let it go.)

So ... @coop22250, how’s your sister’s best friend doing today?
Just don't read them. Your post is kind of contradictory in that you're basically creating you own tangent on the thread asking others not to create tangents.
Don't express your opinion on a public forum if you can't handle people picking it apart. Perhaps you can digest some of the criticism and counterpoints and use them to try and add intellectual depth to your understanding of the subject matter. Or, just get defensive and claim I'm horrified by your shallow analyses of complex subject matter. Over-valuing One's own opinion is a hubristic trait, which is aligned with my previous assertation.
I have no problem being picked apart, thats all I was doing. You are the one being offended and getting ridiculous. Also, you arent picking apart anything, your opinion dosen't really hold much weight.
I have no problem being picked apart, thats all I was doing. You are the one being offended and getting ridiculous. Also, you arent picking apart anything, your opinion dosen't really hold much weight.
My opinion doesn't need to hold weight for it to highlight issues with yours. It makes sense that you'd think you need some kind of hierarchical authority over something for moral validation, since you're the one that seems okay with being the judge, jury and executioner of a human fetus.
I can see how having more depth than an episode of The Daily Show would seem "ridiculous" to some.
My opinion doesn't need to hold weight for it to highlight issues with yours. It makes sense that you'd think you need some kind of hierarchical authority over something for moral validation, since you're the one that seems okay with being the judge, jury and executioner of a human fetus.
I can see how having more depth than an episode of The Daily Show would seem "ridiculous" to some.
I've clearly stated that I pro choice. Thats on the person in the situation, not me. I'm simply pointing out how ridiculous religion is in this day and age and insane beliefs in christianity are on par with those of other crazy religions. "Daily show"??? I don't even know what that is, I just passed it off as a petty insult from you.
My opinion doesn't need to hold weight for it to highlight issues with yours. It makes sense that you'd think you need some kind of hierarchical authority over something for moral validation, since you're the one that seems okay with being the judge, jury and executioner of a human fetus.
I can see how having more depth than an episode of The Daily Show would seem "ridiculous" to some.
Yep. Therein lies the premise of humanism.

I grew up in a fundamentalist home, middle school, high school, the works.
I had to stay 6" away from my wife-to-be until our wedding night. It was an awful way to exist. I've long since moved on from that legalistic way of life. It's not been easy to forgive those who beat the sh!t outta me and my friends as kids, our coach routinely beat our asses with 'big ben' a canoe paddle.

But it's really ironic and bears mentioning: Progressives have adopted the same way of thinking, they've simply replaced religious leaders with thier own governmental overlords. It an odd way they are all religions at this point, but one is morally bankrupt to the point of gleefully espousing late term or partial birth abortion. They can't wait to fund it!
People like Pelosi--good Catholics, lol--love the thought of women aborting babies. It gives them great joy.
But they also love the thought of the power that this Chinese-manufactured virus has allowed them to accrue.
I still have antibodies nine months after my symptoms ceased. Still decided to schedule the J&J for a week from today, but some of the posts in this thread have got my attention.
I still have antibodies nine months after my symptoms ceased. Still decided to schedule the J&J for a week from today, but some of the posts in this thread have got my attention.
I wanted the J&J just from the more traditional virus-based config of their vaccine, but the poor efficacy rate seemed like a real crapshoot.
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Got the Pfizer shot as soon as I could. Minor arm soreness, no other symptoms, hopeful that we can get folks vaccinated and get out of this mess.
I wanted the J&J just form the more traditional virus-based config of their vaccine, but the poor efficacy rate seemed like a real crapshoot.
I read something that said comparing the efficacy rates of J&J to the Moderna and Pfizer wasn’t an equivalent comparison, but I’ve already forgotten the details.
I read something that said comparing the efficacy rates of J&J to the Moderna and Pfizer wasn’t an equivalent comparison, but I’ve already forgotten the details.
Pfizer has adjusted their efficacy rate to 91% after 6 months of jabs - down about 3-4%. This was to be expected as the sample size has grown so they have more data.

they are different types of vaccines. J and J is not mRNA
I read something that said comparing the efficacy rates of J&J to the Moderna and Pfizer wasn’t an equivalent comparison, but I’ve already forgotten the details.
It was due to the sample sizes, the timeframe of the trials, and the location of the trials. The efficacy rates are probably closer than what has been reported. If I were to get a vaccine, it would probably be the J and J vax due to the fact it is a more traditional vaccine, and not a new technology such as the mRNA's vaccines.
Yep, J&J did their trial in the peak, moderna and pfizer at the ramp up.

I got dose one of moderna today

I bet they want you to get this every year going forward, like the flu
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