Know that meme about the govnt creating FB and letting citizens do the surveillance on each other?
(couldn't find it myself).
Now think about paying $200 to put yourself on a govnt list of gun owners in only 4 days.
Know that meme about the govnt creating FB and letting citizens do the surveillance on each other?
(couldn't find it myself).
Now think about paying $200 to put yourself on a govnt list of gun owners in only 4 days.
Assuming you own a smart phone or computer because youre here....they know or can know everything about you anyways. Who cares if they know I own a tube that I thread on my rifles.

That's not to say I agree with the BS tax on them or the registration of any firearms or suppressors. You should be able to buy cans as an afterthought at Walmart while waiting in the checkout line.
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