Thoughts on the NRA


Oct 13, 2020
I've been a life member for around 20 years (annual member prior to that), a NRA certified pistol instructor for around 10 years. I haven't given ol' Wayne any extra $$ for a long time. I do pay to renew my instructors license every two years so I can continue to offer CCW classes...I'm of the mindset that ol Wayne needs to go away, "drain the swamp" as they say.


Sep 29, 2012
Except for the fact that they helped to negotiate away bump stocks, every deal is an infringement of our rights. I don't care if you think any gun part is a gimmick or stupid or unnecessary, losing it is losing your freedom. It's only a matter of time before they nra gives in on other issues. Support organizations like the FPC, day in and out they prove that they are fighting for out rights.
How many times have you heard FPC mentioned on CNN or MSNBC. Me? Never.

It is a sad reality - one I do not care for either - but we are better off putting our support behind a dysfunctional 900 pound gorilla than a group with next to 0 political clout, just because the 0 makes us feel better about it.


Jul 13, 2020
Never given them a dime and no plans to. Additionally I’m so tired of people assuming that just because you hunt you support the NRA.


Aug 16, 2020
Life member since 1993. Here’s my take.
-The magazine sucks.
-The Chicken Little routine is old. Really old. It’s like the mirror of image of CNN with the fear mongering.
-The solicitation calls are no different than the idiot who wants to talk about my extended warranty when I drive a 21 year old truck with almost 300,000 miles.
Until something changes they’ll get no more from me.


Mar 17, 2014
I think the "sky is falling" crowd is interesting. If you wholly believe in the 2nd amendment and you have a stockpile of guns and ammo, then the scenario you've thought about for years happen, how will that end for you? Have you seen the tech our military and government has, and do you still think you could win with a semi auto AR and 500 rds of ammo?

If the local sheriff that you vehemently support because blue lives matter knocks on your door to enforce a gun ban and asks for your guns, will you shoot him like so many say? Does your ownership of a msr matter more than your family and life to kill or be killed?

I'm genuinely interested in folks viewpoint on this, my buddies and I have had this discussion often.

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Dec 9, 2019
When people feel things are out of control, guns and ammo make them feel like they are back in control. If you don't believe that go to your local gun/ammo supplier anytime in the past 6 mo and tell me what you see or do a little research on mass shooting perpetrators & see what common themes are out there. The possibility of losing that gun makes people feel out of control again, so gotta buy more, more ammo, better get a gas mask, cans of beans in case of a stand off etc etc. We'd be idiots to think the industry isn't capitalizing on all this. Then, the icing on the cake are gun shops
putting signs up turning away customers that are maskers worried about bringing home Covid because Covid isn't real and just a govt generated fear while other customers are buying ammo for guns they don't even own?! Yeah, this all makes perfect sense.

Personally the nationwide collection of firearms is something I don't think the govt will ever be efficient enough to pull off & local sheriff's won't touch it.

If things get bad enough where the man comes to take everybody's guns away, I think I'm going to grab my backpack, dog & best rifle and head for the hills and enjoy myself and let things play out a while. Come to think of it, thats pretty much what I do anyway so I'm really not sweating any of this or planning to stand my ground anytime soon, it'll be a long time before me and my hunting rifles are at the top of that list.
Sep 7, 2018
How many times have you heard FPC mentioned on CNN or MSNBC. Me? Never.

It is a sad reality - one I do not care for either - but we are better off putting our support behind a dysfunctional 900 pound gorilla than a group with next to 0 political clout, just because the 0 makes us feel better about it.
I don't care one bit about what CNN has to say, what I do care about is FPC continually filing lawsuits and taking lawmakers to court over unconstitutional laws.
Sep 7, 2018
I think the "sky is falling" crowd is interesting. If you wholly believe in the 2nd amendment and you have a stockpile of guns and ammo, then the scenario you've thought about for years happen, how will that end for you? Have you seen the tech our military and government has, and do you still think you could win with a semi auto AR and 500 rds of ammo?

If the local sheriff that you vehemently support because blue lives matter knocks on your door to enforce a gun ban and asks for your guns, will you shoot him like so many say? Does your ownership of a msr matter more than your family and life to kill or be killed?

I'm genuinely interested in folks viewpoint on this, my buddies and I have had this discussion often.

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Being a constitutionalist and wanting to protect your rights has nothing to do with being a "prepper". I don't know where you get that idea, but it's unrelated.


Nov 23, 2020
I think the "sky is falling" crowd is interesting. If you wholly believe in the 2nd amendment and you have a stockpile of guns and ammo, then the scenario you've thought about for years happen, how will that end for you? Have you seen the tech our military and government has, and do you still think you could win with a semi auto AR and 500 rds of ammo?

If the local sheriff that you vehemently support because blue lives matter knocks on your door to enforce a gun ban and asks for your guns, will you shoot him like so many say? Does your ownership of a msr matter more than your family and life to kill or be killed?

I'm genuinely interested in folks viewpoint on this, my buddies and I have had this discussion often.

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Why didn't anyone inform the afghani insurgents or the VC about not having the same class of weaponry means you will lose so easily and have no chance of resistance. One rifleman can do a lot more than most believe. The majority of people will willingly sacrifice liberty for "security" a few will not. Decide where you stand for yourself.

In the grand scheme of things this life is temporary and not my final destination if it ends now or when I'm a elderly man so be it. I will not go on my knees for any man though.
Mar 15, 2017
I think the "sky is falling" crowd is interesting. If you wholly believe in the 2nd amendment and you have a stockpile of guns and ammo, then the scenario you've thought about for years happen, how will that end for you? Have you seen the tech our military and government has, and do you still think you could win with a semi auto AR and 500 rds of ammo?
You think people would stand by and watch American civilians being droned on American soil?
If the local sheriff that you vehemently support because blue lives matter knocks on your door to enforce a gun ban and asks for your guns, will you shoot him like so many say? Does your ownership of a msr matter more than your family and life to kill or be killed?

"Is your business and property really more important to you than your life and family?" Nazi to a Jew 1938- Probably.

I'm genuinely interested in folks viewpoint on this, my buddies and I have had this discussion often.

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Mar 17, 2014
You think people would stand by and watch American civilians being droned on American soil?

"Is your business and property really more important to you than your life and family?" Nazi to a Jew 1938- Probably.
How would you fight a drone?

What scenario would it take for you to stand with your arms against fellow Americans? Is your local sheriff following the orders of a law banning "assault weapons" (the term is stupid to me) and showing up to collect enough of a scenario to wage an assault?

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Mar 17, 2014
Being a constitutionalist and wanting to protect your rights has nothing to do with being a "prepper". I don't know where you get that idea, but it's unrelated.
I said nothing of being a "prepper" in my post. In defending your 2A rights, would you willingly wage an assault and in what scenario would that be? If my local sheriff came to my door to collect my black guns, I'm not prepared to take their life or risk my families for a type of weapon. Does that make me anti 2a, I surely don't think so. Maybe it makes me a weaker person than you warriors.

If you're willing to wage that assault, how will others view that do you think? Oh he was a great man for standing for his amendment rights, or he was a gun fanatic and murdered a sheriff in the name of his amendment rights?

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Mar 15, 2017
I said nothing of being a "prepper" in my post. In defending your 2A rights, would you willingly wage an assault and in what scenario would that be? If my local sheriff came to my door to collect my black guns, I'm not prepared to take their life or risk my families for a type of weapon. Does that make me anti 2a, I surely don't think so. Maybe it makes me a weaker person than you warriors.
Yes, that would make you anti 2a. It would make you unworthy of having had the second amendment to begin with. You are literally saying you would give up your weapons to keep the cops from killing your family. Think about that.

Would you censor your speech if told to?

I won't answer any of the other questions about the extent I would be willing to go to preserve my rights. What would you do if a drone was used on American soil?

If you're willing to wage that assault, how will others view that do you think? Oh he was a great man for standing for his amendment rights, or he was a gun fanatic and murdered a sheriff in the name of his amendment rights?

The victor writes history. Our founders would have been hung then thrown into a traitors mass grave. Do you think the initial recognition of our rights happened by accident? What's your point.

That's all from me. I'm going out to hunt.


Feb 28, 2020
Eastern AZ
I’ve dropped out but will rejoin if they reorganize, clean up their act, and get a director that is focused on the NRA mission and not on himself.


Dec 9, 2019
This is an interesting discussion, I think should that day come you will find that history has shown there are citizens out there that though ill equipped and silent, can provide quite a pocket of resistance because they are mentally & physically up to the task, not because of weaponry. History has also shown that pouring money into "just in case" weaponry without mental and physical preparation will not gurantee victory and if you are not wired for battle that the guy next to you will be yelling and kicking you to get you to pull the trigger. So that fancy rifle a guy bought to protect the home front might make them feel better, but isn't worth anything if they are not wired to stop a threat (more likely multiple threats) under high stress. The active shooters we read about are successful because they shoot unarmed victims and there is no resistance. Once they encounter resistance they often take their own life...because they are not wired for "battle". Statistically only a small percentage of people are willing to commit violent acts, so when the movement starts, one best hope that at least 1/4 the people on your team are prepared and trained to stay on for the full 8 second ride or you are in big trouble.

Food for thought, you are looking at a country that was able to clear a nation's store shelves of toilet paper in 24 hours due to a threat of a RESPIRATORY virus, call 911 because they were shorted a chicken nugget, compare a business owner requesting they wear a mask in a store to being herded onto train cars and headed to a govt camp, and...many of these people are buying guns and ammo at historic levels because of fear of govt over reach. Hardly what I'd call a "militia", and definitely not a nation of "live free or die" types. That's why if this all goes down I opt to head for the hills to live free and enjoy some venison around the campfire watching the smoke columns in the distance rather than lining up alongside 911/chicken nugget guys to storm the nation's capital on a suicide mission so I can keep my guns. Hell, I didn't even buy any guns this year! I suppose that makes me anti 2A? Maybe it does, or maybe I'm just not scared enough to panic just yet and know there is much more to survival than possession of your gun. That being said, invade my personal space to do harm to me or my family/friends whether govt or otherwise and I'll cross the bridge if I get there, but I can assure you gunfire is only one of many options on the table to stop a threat under those circumstances.
Sep 7, 2018
How would you fight a drone?

What scenario would it take for you to stand with your arms against fellow Americans? Is your local sheriff following the orders of a law banning "assault weapons" (the term is stupid to me) and showing up to collect enough of a scenario to wage an assault?

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Someone enforcing unconstitutional or immoral laws is more responsible than those who wrote them, "just doing my job" is never justified reasoning. Anyone showing up in force to take away firearms that are rightfully yours is the aggressor. You make it sound like defence of property or life is the "assault", not the action leading up to it.
I'm not going to get drug into any discussion about killing people, whether they deserve it or not.


Mar 17, 2014
Someone enforcing unconstitutional or immoral laws is more responsible than those who wrote them, "just doing my job" is never justified reasoning. Anyone showing up in force to take away firearms that are rightfully yours is the aggressor. You make it sound like defence of property or life is the "assault", not the action leading up to it.
I'm not going to get drug into any discussion about killing people, whether they deserve it or not.
You make it sound back and white. I guess I'm just trying to point out all the gray. There's a lot more that goes into my thought process of defending my amendment rights than someone showing up to take a black rifle from me.

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May 6, 2014
Corripe cervisiam
Its important to know who is writing the article these days...and what their agenda is.

This guy Wes Siler is a leftist with clear agenda that conservatives and guns are bad....

In the case of this article, Wes Siler is a super greenie Trump hater.....just go to his page of past Liberal politic rants for PROOF.
Sep 7, 2018
You make it sound back and white. I guess I'm just trying to point out all the gray. There's a lot more that goes into my thought process of defending my amendment rights than someone showing up to take a black rifle from me.

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That's what I mean though, there's a lot that we can do before it ever gets to that point. This is why supporting an organization like the goa or fpc is important.


Mar 31, 2017
No. VA
I think that without the NRA, the 2nd amendment might not exist. They fought the good fight during some challenging times in last 20 years. I think they have lost their way at the moment. I just don’t see a professional organization standing up for what is right in an effective way.