
Thursday push- changing up reps a bit
3 sec eccentric
Incline db 15/8/8/6 75/80/90/100s
db Barrel press 14/10/8/8 65/75/80/80s
Dips with power band (50) 8/8/6/6
db laterals 14/14/8 25/25/30s
Rev db incline Arnold press 14/10/8/8 25s
Tricep pushdown 14/8/8/6
Rev grip pushdown 14/8/6/6
Warmed up to heavier than my working sets then did a quick paced, light circuit. 4 times through, 200 total reps for time.

Dead- 135 x 21/15/9/5
Hanging Bar Pull Up- 21/15/9/5
Dip- 35 x 21/15/9/5
Decline Sit Up- x 21/15/9/5
… 9min exactly

Followed with an easy 1mi run up the hill.

I don’t do the intense pace, with no rest, style circuits much anymore. I used to live by them and could feel that I haven’t done them in a while. Chores all day now to get ready for a graduation party.