Worst beer you ever drank?

I thought of another. A friend grabbed some hemp ipa’s once.
Tastes about how you’d think. Dump an ipa into skunky bong water and drink up!

hemp beers are gross and any man who says they are good would likely do sex with another man. Those things taste like bong water smells.
I can’t believe all the guys who don’t like steel reserve. It’s the beer of choice amongst hobos, they chase down their Taaka vodka with it.

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taaka is a village favorite for drinks across the state of Alaska. We use it to make chaga tincture lol.
Coors light. First beer I ever drank. Still can’t drink one to this day.

Corona. Absolutely gross. If I get killed by the corona virus, the thing that will piss me of the most is I got knocked off by a virus named after a shitty Mexican beer.

Beer. Back in college I went to the liquor store and there was some beer, in a white box with “BEER” on the side in blue letters. It was like 3.50 or 4 bucks for a 12 pack. Bought it and that was the most disgusting thing I have even tasted. It literally had chunks in it. I am pretty sure that they just drove around to every brewery until they got a full tanker of left overs, did a couple figure eights in a parking lot and canned it right then and there.

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I agree. Of all the primary beer makers in the store, the last beer I buy is anything that says Budweiser. It isn't god awful like some other beers but I don't like it at all. I would drink a Corona before a Bud.
I drank more Miller High Life in college than I care to admit....Also got talked into playing a game of Edward 40 hands with OE at one point. If anyone knows what that is I will buy you lunch lol.
Have played that many of times with hurricane malt liquor 40s. Gotta have a good bladder!! I'll take delivery for lunch

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Busch light. Just tastes super sour to me, I drink mostly light beers and can’t stand Busch at all.

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1st place. Fosters in the green cans
2nd place. Corona in the clear bottles
3rd place. Tecate...party with Mexican coworkers

Honorable mentions for other grenades, are too many to list. But those three were horrible for me.

Tecate is effin nasty. Almost indescribable haha

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