BaseMap vs OnX


Jun 29, 2019
Basemaps is way better then onx. Basemaps has a couple features that onx don't that i like, is a lot more user friendly and is a lot cheaper. After using onx for a couple years on hunts out west, i decided to see how accurate they were by checking out some property lines that land join me around my home. I lost a lot of confidence in them after finding they had three of the properties wrong.Two of them they had the property lines wrong, the one was off a couple hundred feet, the other one was 10 acres my brother owns,they had the property owner name wrong on that one.
Oct 15, 2014
Zuni, VA
I've used Gaia and OnX. Both are useful. But, Gaia is way better for me. In addition, I've used it for fishing because the NOAA charts are all included.


Sep 11, 2018
Pacific Northwest
Any info on if basemap is supporting the hunting and conservation community?

BaseMap currently partners with the Mule Deer Foundation and is 2% For Conservation Certified. We are working on additional conservation partners as we speak. For obvious reasons I will not disclose who we are talking to, but we have some great organizations in talks with us.


Dec 13, 2019
I have not yet tried Basemap (might be doing that soon), but I will say this about OnX, their customer service is great! I had an issue last year due to the fact I was running an older Android device, I emailed back and forth a couple times and within 24hrs they created a fix. I downloaded the update and had no problem!
Jan 18, 2020
I been using onX for the past 3 years and I haven’t had any problems. I don’t know how much better basemap would be but it would have to be a lot for me to make the switch.


Sep 11, 2018
Pacific Northwest
I been using onX for the past 3 years and I haven’t had any problems. I don’t know how much better basemap would be but it would have to be a lot for me to make the switch.

BaseMap has a lot of features and information that onX doesn't have. 3D mapping on iOS devices, live location sharing, our SmartMarkers feature, an outdoor journal, more basemap options, clearer satellite imagery, 800 layers, fishing information, and the list can go on. Plus, BaseMap is only $30 for all 50 states versus $100 for onX.


Jul 28, 2018
Somewhere in Paradise
I had Basemap this fall, 2 of my buddies had Onx. I didn't touch my app. Every time I would open it, it wouldn't track properly. I tried to use the track me feature where I could trace my steps throughout the day. It was a joke. Most of the time, I just got a grey screen, like it hadn't downloaded right. If I zoomed out then waited long enough the map would load, and yes, i downloaded my maps properly and I was using offline mode. My brother had Onx and we just used that. Never had a problem tracking, all his maps were crystal clear, and it just plain worked. I don't care about all the extra features that Basemap may or may not have, all i know is where I'm spending my money this year. It ain't worth it if it doesn't work.


Apr 20, 2019
I currently have all 3, started with Gaia but didn't like the ability to add custom waypoints then I found base map and prefer basemap. Base map has better map imagery overlays custom waypoints you can do line distances, custom shapes and circles among many other things the weather,wind, moon phase sunrise sunset. There's a few things with base map I don't like right now as the map can be a little glitchy with the overlay's. I like to use the Nationwide lake overlay, WMA overlay and private property overlays and I've noticed sometimes when zooming in and out that it can cause the overlay to glitch around the map and not be exactly where it needs to be sometimes I haven't figured out what causes it that's my biggest complaint about basemap however it is still my favorite because of the color scheme and the overall experience of using basemap. For me it's easier to read basemaps imagery and overlays than it is Gaia and onyx. To me Gaia is too old to feel like it's something that should be around in the 90s and it doesn't offer nearly as much as base map, however it's nice that Gaia is the only one of the three that you can make your map custom and change the transparency of each overlay to your taste and the preceptation overlay is nice too on Gaia.. Both are around the same price you for Nationwide coverage. I'm on the trial period to compare with Basemap to Onyx, is good as the the map is streamline and was very fluid it's easy to zoom in and out compared to Basemap which can be a little frusrating zooming in and out as it's not as fluid as Google maps. Google maps and onyx fluidity are very similar in the ability to zoom in and out, you can click my location and it'll take you to a location and then click it again and then you can orientate the map to which way you're pointing your phone, base map doesn't have that, yet....Other than that though I don't like the way Onx's waypoint interface, color scheme which makes it harder for me to identify POI(particularly the WMA overlay which to my eye is too transparent and too many colors covering ONE WMA outline which can make it confusing knowing exactly here the borderline is of the WMA if Onyx is your only map without any legend to explain the different colors) from a zoomed out perspective and for one is too expensive compared to the other two. I find using basemap it's easier for me to see and find bodies of water and land (WMA's) compared to Onyx so I'm sticking with Basemap for now and In the hopes that overtime they will improve upon map fluidity and phone to map orientate to better understand which direction you are facing. It seems like you have to just try each one and figure out from there I went with Gaia at first based off of all the reviews in the fact that it was cheaper and it didn't last very long before I started looking for a better one. My 2 cents, as with most things in hunting it's preference and user experience. Plus I like that basemap offers better ability to draw lines, customs shapes, and circles change colors etc to mark an area you want to scout, hunt or whatever and for the price is definitely more bang for your buck compared to Onyx
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