Charged by a moo cow


Feb 24, 2012
western wa
Anybody ever been charged by a moo cow? I was hunting and I walked around a cow at about 10 yards and all of a sudden a calf jumped up and took off running. The mom cow starting mooing and came towards me so I pulled my gun and started backing up and then it charged me. I turned and ran and thankfully I was right on the edge of some blowdown so I was able to get some logs between us but it followed me in there for 20-30 yards. There was a bunch of cows in the herd and they started coming from a couple hundred yards away and were making a racket with their calling/mooing. I'm thinking they were making some sort of alarm/distress sounds and may have thought I was a predator or something. I have never been scared of cows but was a little hesitant around them for the rest of the hunt. Of all the critters in the woods it was a moo cow that got me a little rattled. Anybody else had an experience like that?
Mar 31, 2019
Weiser, ID
When I was a kid I was bass fishing at a ranchers pond and a bull chased me up a small tree. I wasn't up there long before he lost interest and left, but as a young kid it felt like forever!
Aug 16, 2018
Was out coyote calling in a pasture with long horns once...once.. never again.. they darn near trampled my fox pro and I quickly had to put a few trees between me and them. Then I had to take my mask off and yell at them to realize I was human and not some crazy walking bush that apparently they felt threatened by.


Oct 19, 2013
I got chased up an old snag by a cow when I was 17, somehow I got between her and her calf and she was pissed, it took a few minutes of her mooing before she left and I could jump down and haul butt out of there.
Mar 26, 2017
Was out coyote calling in a pasture with long horns once...once.. never again.. they darn near trampled my fox pro and I quickly had to put a few trees between me and them. Then I had to take my mask off and yell at them to realize I was human and not some crazy walking bush that apparently they felt threatened by.
Had a bull go after my buddy in the same situation.
We were across a drainage covering the whole area for the set.
Started elk in distress for coyotes.
Had a pissed off moocow bull come in foaming and groaning.
He turned on my buddy. We were using bows, I just remember going "**** I wonder how fast a slick trick would kill this thing if it steps towards him more."

Luckily my buddy thought fast and switched the call to lion screams. It scared the hell out of the bull. It bailed.

I never trust moocows after that. They're the equivalent of a bear that's too accustom of people in my mind.
They get complacent with us, as we do with them. Then bad shit happens.
Complacency breeds contempt.

I had some run ins with a moocow bull the last two years bear hunting.
Had to climb on a boulder once and wait for it to leave.

And another drainage near me actually has a giant feral cow population from reservation cattle that got away over the years.
Almost all of the bulls are sketchy. They'll usually give you a wide berth, but they stand their ground hard.
Government is trying to eradicate them humanely... I don't see that happening. Someone will get gored eventually and it'll change perspectives.
Aug 20, 2021
Anybody ever been charged by a moo cow? I was hunting and I walked around a cow at about 10 yards and all of a sudden a calf jumped up and took off running. The mom cow starting mooing and came towards me so I pulled my gun and started backing up and then it charged me. I turned and ran and thankfully I was right on the edge of some blowdown so I was able to get some logs between us but it followed me in there for 20-30 yards. There was a bunch of cows in the herd and they started coming from a couple hundred yards away and were making a racket with their calling/mooing. I'm thinking they were making some sort of alarm/distress sounds and may have thought I was a predator or something. I have never been scared of cows but was a little hesitant around them for the rest of the hunt. Of all the critters in the woods it was a moo cow that got me a little rattled. Anybody else had an experience like that?
Show more aggression with the cows, when defending personal space.

Don't be aggressive with the bulls though... 😂


Jan 12, 2017
A calf trying to mount another calf ran into my blind antelope hunting last weekend. note to self, don’t hunt water and set up between a stock tank, minerals, salt block. Had the whole herd by me.


Aug 22, 2014
Connersville, IN
I was turkey hunting one time and was walking by a cow with a calf and got charged. I literally had to jump the fence to get away from her. I was surprised I made the jump.


Jun 20, 2013
My wife and I had a bull charge us while packing out a deer in the dark on some BLM...heard a screeching/grunting noise, turned our headlamps, and saw this thing headed right for us at full steam downhill. We yelled and yelled, but it didn't hesitate one bit, and I was already planning out contingency plans depending on which one of us got hurt and how badly. At the very last second I just screamed as loud as I could and it turned slightly and went right past us into the night, probably an arms length from us.

I've spent a lot of time around bears, moose, etc., and that's the one time I truly thought I might get killed by an animal...
Apr 17, 2018
Was just on a bow hunt in Colorado. Had one young bull half ass charge my new tundra on a road lol. Then 4 miles into public, some free ranging bulls did not like me and my buddy near their pond. They made a little half ass defensive positioning and then one followed us til it got steep. Never dealt with aggressive cattle before. Was interesting for sure.