Hickok45 cuts official ties with NRA

Aug 6, 2017
West-central MN
Awwww, sorry not everyone cares about your YouTube heroes.

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No, his point is that it's a weird move to go out of your way to comment just to make sure everyone knows how little you care.

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Feb 1, 2014
No, his point is that it's a weird move to go out of your way to comment just to make sure everyone knows how little you care.

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What? I've never heard of these guys, say I've never heard of them, then get a bunch of smart ass comments because I've never heard of them. But, I get it, he's so proud of the fact those guys have over a billion YouTube views that he had to add that to his post, like that makes them even more important. Y'all can have Hickock whoever.

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Dec 15, 2017
In a nutshell, alleged Malfeasance by Wayne LaPierre and questionable reimbursements by him and others. A lot of data coming to light that top members of the NRA are living the high life on NRA dollars when the NRA split from their long time marketing partner Ackerman-Mcqueen. Oliver North tried to oust Wayne whenever some of this came out and he was sacked and the management doubled down on blaming others and not taking any responsibility. They recently fired #2 Chris Cox also. Basically a complete Shit Show going on right now.


You shouldn’t give Rollingstone the clicks.


Sep 26, 2018
I’ve watched some of his videos, wasn’t that impressed with a guy just shooting in his backyard and then discussing why he likes something or doesn’t. Does he have any videos not in his backyard? Really could careless who he cuts off ties with.

Kind of put him in the box with guys just opening something up then giving it a full review, maybe I’m off.

As far as the NRA goes wasn’t aware of all the current changes, that is interesting and concerning. I’m a life member as well and get tired of the constant ask for more $$$ but I do know some that annually give the NRA a few thousand because it’s what they believe in and feel they do good, they also give a few thousand to RMEF and DU. So guess it is worth their time to reach out to members for more $$, I just delete the emails and throw away the mailers.

I just wish the NRA offered an op out for their raffles and additional fund raising.


Dec 15, 2017
There’s some good threads over on Arfcom about the NRA and their shenanigans. I’m a life member of the NRA and I’m not impressed with the money funneling and the huge legal bills they pay. I’ll look some up and post it here later. It’s mind boggling.
Aug 6, 2017
West-central MN
What? I've never heard of these guys, say I've never heard of them, then get a bunch of smart ass comments because I've never heard of them. But, I get it, he's so proud of the fact those guys have over a billion YouTube views that he had to add that to his post, like that makes them even more important. Y'all can have Hickock whoever.

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You can't be super surprised when you pop in just to tell people how little you care about the topic of discussion instead of just if ignoring it and then get flack.

I agree that youtube numbers don't make someone worth anything as a source of information though.

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Oct 28, 2014
No doubt the liberals are rejoicing at all the gun owners kicking the NRA while they are down.
The NRA has been kicking its membership while we were down for years. Fear mongering, overly dramatic sensationalizing and irrational reactions all to sell us on them being our salvation. And what did the membership get? An organization that cumpituated a nd compromise our rights. All the while playing fast and loose with memberships money.

Self introspection is in order before we look at any other groups.


Jul 17, 2012
Hilliard Florida
I’ve donated to GOA and 2nd Amendment Foundation for the last couple of years. The NRA is completely corrupt and only joins the battle when they’re assured of victory. The NRA turned down the Heller case and then fought the Heller case in the court of public opinion but then joined at the very end with friend of the court brief when it finally was accepted by the SCOTUS. When you look at the money collected vs what they actually spend on candidates and lobbying it’s not that good of a ratio imo.

Rich M

Jun 14, 2017
The NRA is the only reason we still have the gun rights we do. Just sayin'.

Ollie tried to take Wayne out - amazing Coup attempt. That should help you know to be real careful in what you believe. Use your head folks. You can B&M over these things here and there. I question the sources of all stuff against the NRA since all liberals hate them and are "out to get them."

You-all who want to give up your gun rights, just go ahead and see if you can kill the NRA, then if it ever happens, the liberal media and libbies will rejoice and ban all guns, introduce registration and licensing programs and revoke all self-protection laws. Then the police will be knocking on your door in riot gear. A hunting license or concealed carry permit is a sign that says "guns here". If you don't believe that can happen - look to Australia, England, Europe... What about New Orleans during the hurricane - gun free zone with gangs of thugs roaming the streets. Real live examples.


Jun 2, 2017
The anti-gun politicians always campaign on fighting the NRA and passing gun restrictions. Just think about how many times the left specifically call out the NRA during elections or after a mass shooting. I don't agree with everything the NRA does, but that reassures me they are fighting my fight on a national level.


Jan 1, 2015
If it wasn't for the NRA, I seriously doubt the majority of us would be allowed to own guns. There are lot of people and organizations in the US that want to get rid of the 2nd Amendment and our guns and they do a great job of demonizing the NRA. Those same people and organizations, don't think much of hunters or hunting in general either.

There are things that I do not like about the NRA. There is clearly a power struggle going on and that happens in big organizations with a lot of money. It is not a perfect organization and I hope they get their stuff straightened out but I will continue to join an imperfect NRA because we won't be able to buy a pea shooter without it.


Feb 7, 2018
What? I've never heard of these guys, say I've never heard of them, then get a bunch of smart ass comments because I've never heard of them. But, I get it, he's so proud of the fact those guys have over a billion YouTube views that he had to add that to his post, like that makes them even more important. Y'all can have Hickock whoever.

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Call the waaambulance, no on is mad but you. For whatever reason like others have said you inserted yourself on a thread you had no interest in. Take it or leave it 4million followers and a billion views is huge marketing value. Remington for example has 34k followers meateater 250k Randy newberg 110k. The nra it self 173k. Whether you listen or watch or not this is a huge blow to NRA.

Nice gaslighting btw is a class act.

As for the more than a few mentions that the nra is all that stands between us and total 2A destruction that’s while the NRA will continue to take your money and by leadership $100k plus in clothing or $200k in flights a month. While costing over $100k in lawsuits per day.


Sep 11, 2015
South Dakota
There’s some good threads over on Arfcom about the NRA and their shenanigans. I’m a life member of the NRA and I’m not impressed with the money funneling and the huge legal bills they pay. I’ll look some up and post it here later. It’s mind boggling.

Good thread on art.com. Now that is one of the few times that phrase has been used on the inter webs
Oct 2, 2016
West Virginia
Call the waaambulance, no on is mad but you. For whatever reason like others have said you inserted yourself on a thread you had no interest in. Take it or leave it 4million followers and a billion views is huge marketing value. Remington for example has 34k followers meateater 250k Randy newberg 110k. The nra it self 173k. Whether you listen or watch or not this is a huge blow to NRA.

Nice gaslighting btw is a class act.

As for the more than a few mentions that the nra is all that stands between us and total 2A destruction that’s while the NRA will continue to take your money and by leadership $100k plus in clothing or $200k in flights a month. While costing over $100k in lawsuits per day.
You seem to have all the answers in your own mind. But, come off as just being mad at the NRA in reality.

I'm not saying things are Rosey. I'm not saying things shouldn't change if Ollie is right. But, what I am saying is it takes a lot of money to campaign for your Bill of Rights. And, that is what the preservation of your 2nd Amendment does. You'd be an even bigger fool to deny that without the NRA, things would be peachy.

The faces of the group doing this lobbying requires being in a lot of places weekly. It takes private jets and such. Because the last time I checked, public air didn't plan its flights around an individuals needs. It also means those people will have perks that membership fees pay for. It isn't devious as suggested by you and quite a few others. Its friggin' expected by the paying members.

It also takes money to employ those people. And, the last time I checked, they had been doing a job worthy of their salary. Proven by the ability you have to go buy a firearm when you want it.

I know it is hard for some people to realize the voice of the NRA is the only reason they still have the liberty's. But, that is no surprise because there is always people that think they know better. And, are willing to tear down anything and any body they are envious of.

Things may not be perfect. But, the NRA is far bigger then any person or persons. Don't hate the NRA if these charges of misconduct are true. Hold the ones responsible and continue to support the only group capable and willing to keep you a free American. Or, do as you do and then blame someone else when you no longer have the rights your founding fathers intended.
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Feb 7, 2018
WV let me guess your a self proclaimed “trust but verify” type? How do you verify “The party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears”. It’s entirely possible a group can do good things in the past and terrible things in the present.

Hell I should call up the NRA and tell them to start selling bridges or ocean front property in the Rockies they’d make an even bigger killing and do even more good from what I’m hearing here.

This wasn’t a thread for me to convince anyone of anything. The writing is on the wall. The NRAs biggest non employee mouthpiece just said “dueces ✌🏽“ because they don’t believe they are capable of working towards what they stand for any more.