How much have you seen a buck regress in a year?

Apr 22, 2020
How much have you seen a buck regress? Can a 200 inch deer regress significantly in one year due to factors such as age? On the contrary, how much have you seen one grow in a year?
Around 50” reduction after a hard gnarly winter and a really long migration. Saying that I watched another buck pack on an additional 45-50” increase that exact same year.
Killed a whitetail that was 130 ish the year before and 177 the year I killed him. I hunted a 180's whitetail one year and following year was 135 or so
Pretty sure I saw in Brock McMillan's study that he suggested up to 30% of growth was due to habitat year to year, so 180" deer at 5.5 years old could, in theory, drop to just under 130", then maybe be back up to closer to 180" if you got rain at year 7.5.

Probably pretty tough to control for that variable and all the others in real world.