I’m home sick from work


Jan 29, 2022
I had a boss that was not in support of hunting. I would always say that "I need to take a mental health day and go hunting and it might give the clarity of mind to see what I am doing as wrong." She actually laughed the first couple times I said it.
Thank goodness my Uber liberal city I work for coined the term “compassion fatigue” can’t question my days off when I am all compassioned out from taking care of drug addicted homeless all the time


Aug 6, 2020
I get about 2 weeks of paid sick per year in addition to a little over 4 weeks of pto per year. I always thought people who took sick time for a sniffy nose were lightweights. Then my boss told me one day that I may as well use it cus if I don’t I’ll lose it. So from time to time I’ll take a sick day just cus. Last “sick day” I took I went antelope hunting with a buddy and he killed a nice doe. Haha

But if you think that’s bad, just ask @Fartface how much paid sick leave he gets.


Apr 5, 2023
I start early so I am done early.I own my own business (job), so I have no one to call in sick to. Have only missed a couple days in 25+ years. It was about 5 years ago, 4am on Christmas eve. I slipped on the ice & hit my head. I had to put tissue in my ear to slow the blood from running out. I did all my work and when I got home my wife made me go to the E.R.- my eyes were purple.
After a quick CAT scan they said I had a couple brain bleeds, slightly cracked cranium, and a concussion. With no neurologist on staff (to saw a pressure relief hole, if needed) they loaded me onto a life flight across the state. Spent a couple days in ICU, nothing got worse so I talked them into letting me go home. I went back to work- nowhere near 100% but good enough.
So yea I don't understand sickies.
I think you got posted on the wrong thread here. The “nation of wimps?” Thread is next door haha.


Feb 3, 2017
I get plenty of vacation and personal days where I work - if I want to take a day off, I ask my boss and take it off. Never saw the need to call in and lie that I'm sick to use a sick day. I'm rarely sick anyways - probably partially because I don't count having the sniffles, a sinus headache, hangover or a cough as being sick - those are just annoying.
I have a lot of sick time banked, and I like it that way. Where I work, my sick time is how I get paid when I'm sick, or if I have to be off for an extended period of time due to surgery, accident...etc. (hopefully not). If I ended up in the hospital or something, currently I could be out for 32+ weeks and be able to cover it all. If I never use it, I can put it towards retiring almost a year earlier. I manage people that burn every hour they can get away with and are always running a razors edge balance of both PTO and sick time. A number of them have got burned when they had medical issues keeping them out for 6-8 weeks and were lucky if they could scrape together a couple weeks between all their time. Then they are the first ones to start whining about no income for the balance of their time off, and the company is so terrible because they aren't providing them with regular pay?
I can honestly say that in my entire working career I have never called in sick when I was not really "sick". I guess there's no need to start now. If I need a day, I take it