The Current state of Elk Hunting


May 6, 2014
Corripe cervisiam
Whats your thoughts on why everyone wants to hunt elk?

No surprise to many if you have been following along.....elk hunting has gotten crazy. It seems everyone wants to hunt elk for some reason!

Point creep has gone nuts in all of the limited areas. No tag for me in AZ,NM, WY,MT draws....even spending the extra $$ in the Wyo draw.

No slam dunk to get a gen tag in some states anymore...heck I couldn't even get a leftover tag after not getting a gen tag in MT. Leftover tags released online at 4;00am my time....I was trying to log in starting at 3;58 every 30 seconds. Got on right at 4;00am, into the credit card screen at 4;04am [site was going slow for me] and it wouldn't complete the transaction. Didn't get a tag either did my buddy. [now to those that tried my buddy got an email from MT saying they would give him the tag due to site issues- worth a shot if you have a transaction #]

Personally, I'm still waiting on Nev, but with 18 points and a 1.6% chance of drawing the tag I want- I'm not holding my breath. :rolleyes:[yeah, I know other units give me up to 30% chance but heck I've waited this long...]

Landowner tags have skyrocketed. Calling around the prices are crazy...but worse....they are almost all sold.

NM 16d tag- $8,500
NM 36 tag- $8,200
Just about any Utah LO tag over $10k up to $18,000.
Heck a Oregon Mt Emily tag was sold at $13,000

Yep everyone wants to hunt elk......plan accordingly.


Feb 11, 2016
We live in the age of technology. A lot of people dreamed of hunting elk their whole life but had no idea how. The internet, scouting apps, forums. . etc, all make it easier to figure out how and where to do it. It’s also the in thing to do right now. Just as duck hunting was 10 years ago. Elk hunting is cheap. I pay between 10-15 dollars an acre to lease land in a state with one of the most mismanaged whitetail herds in the country, abysmal waterfowl opportunity (in my neck of the woods), and MONTHS of either sex turkey seasons. I can buy an elk tag for ~1000 bucks and I’ve got access to hundreds upon hundreds of thousands of acres to hunt. Places that are truly wild. I pay 15 dollars an acre to listen to leaf blowers next door . . . That’s the biggest factor in my honest opinion.

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Sep 23, 2017
It’s good to take a break sometimes. I couldn’t hunt a couple years ago with shoulder surgery and couldn’t hunt a number of years due to deployments. Anyone whose been applying for 18 years and isn’t hunting has made that choice for themselves- especially Given that there are elk tags you can draw in Wyoming as a second choice for instance and unlimited tags in Colorado.

There’s plenty of elk hunting available still this year- it just might not be the rarified air you like breathing but if elk hunting is your priority (like it is for so many tens of thousands of people) you WOULD have at a least one tag in at least one state.

That’s the state of elk hunting today.
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Mar 6, 2016
I think a lot of it has to do with the rise of social media and all the different groups that are posting on Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, etc. I remember watching vhs Realtree outdoor videos and thinking how cool it would be to one day do an elk hunt. I just imagined that it was out of reach for me to accomplish a hunt let alone try and pay for one. Then social media slowly started coming around and showing everyone how easy it is to do a DIY hunt so now you have everyone trying to put in and draw a tag. Prime example is NM this year. I put in for 3 lesser units that I was for sure I would have gotten my 1st choice because some don’t even put it as a 3rd choice. I was lucky and drew my 3rd choice. This unit is one that most hunters once they hunt it will never hunt it again. After the draw came out there were 210K people that applied for roughly 61K hunting tags.
I contribute that to the rise of social media and Internet forums that have peaked our desire to hunt.
Sep 15, 2018
Not to be blunt to the OP but it sounds like if you lowered your "standards" a little you could be hunting elk his year if you wanted to. Personally there is no way I would wait 18 years for a tag and still be putting in for units that give me less than a 2% chance of drawing. I do agree that Elk hunting has gotten very popular in the last couple years and the prices that some people are willing to pay are ridiculous(in my opinion). But if a guy is willing to "settle" for a lesser tag, I think he can have a fun hunt every year in at least one state and harvest a bull every year. It's also nice that as an Idaho resident I can go buy a tag for cheap every year and the only thing limiting me is myself and the amount of time I have to chase the elk.


Nov 22, 2013
The flood of information whether that be social media or GoHunt type services have opened a lot of eyes to possibilities before unknown to them. I think it’s definitely contributed to more hunters (from all over the country) spreading their wings and trying new states and species.

It seems to have resulted in many more people competing for many tags that, in the past, were backup plans for guys if more premium draw tags weren’t acquired. I think this is due to more guys wanting multiple tags in states and new elk hunters applying for tags.

Before the last few years it hasn’t been that difficult to get a Montana combo tag, and a guy with a point had a darn good chance to go hunt a general Wyoming tag if he wanted. Odds in Az, NM, have always been a little long but somewhat obtainable if you threw your name in the hat for a few years for lower tier units. Nevada has giant bulls but unfortunately Nevada throws out very few tags and has a terrible draw system so it’s just a game one has to play if ever wanting a shot. 18 years of not drawing just goes to show the odds are terrible.

My opinion is more people in the game is good for elk hunting because it makes the resource that much more valuable. The downside being it will continue to get harder to not only draw premium tags but general tags that once were viable backup plans. Also OTC hunts with places to get away from people will become harder and harder. So like Beendare said make your plans accordingly. Hope this is your year in Nevada!

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May 11, 2019
It’s a tough situation because its great to have so many folks interested in hunting but it’s tough finding enough “room” for hunters to spread out and have quality hunts. I honestly don’t know how the situation could improve.


May 27, 2017
For the last 10-12 years at least, maybe longer, I've had from 3-6 elk tags every year. I decided long ago I would not live in a State that didn't have Resident OTC elk tags.

I'll have 3 tags in Wyoming this year again. Can buy an OTC NR elk tag in Montana, but I quit hunting elk there about 5 years ago due to their total crap management. Looking ahead, I don't see ever having less than 2-3 tags every year. IMO, I think elk hunting through much of the West is about as good as its ever going to be.

Anyone not hunting elk in at least one state a year is not very good at planning...


Mar 4, 2017
For the last 10-12 years at least, maybe longer, I've had from 3-6 elk tags every year. I decided long ago I would not live in a State that didn't have Resident OTC elk tags.

I'll have 3 tags in Wyoming this year again. Can buy an OTC NR elk tag in Montana, but I quit hunting elk there about 5 years ago due to their total crap management. Looking ahead, I don't see ever having less than 2-3 tags every year. IMO, I think elk hunting through much of the West is about as good as its ever going to be.

Anyone not hunting elk in at least one state a year is not very good at planning...

Or not really into elk hunting. Ditto on the otc tag requirement, non negotiable for me.
Aug 20, 2016
Whats your thoughts on why everyone wants to hunt elk?

No surprise to many if you have been following along.....elk hunting has gotten crazy. It seems everyone wants to hunt elk for some reason!

Point creep has gone nuts in all of the limited areas. No tag for me in AZ,NM, WY,MT draws....even spending the extra $$ in the Wyo draw.

No slam dunk to get a gen tag in some states anymore...heck I couldn't even get a leftover tag after not getting a gen tag in MT. Leftover tags released online at 4;00am my time....I was trying to log in starting at 3;58 every 30 seconds. Got on right at 4;00am, into the credit card screen at 4;04am [site was going slow for me] and it wouldn't complete the transaction. Didn't get a tag either did my buddy. [now to those that tried my buddy got an email from MT saying they would give him the tag due to site issues- worth a shot if you have a transaction #]

Personally, I'm still waiting on Nev, but with 18 points and a 1.6% chance of drawing the tag I want- I'm not holding my breath. :rolleyes:[yeah, I know other units give me up to 30% chance but heck I've waited this long...]

Landowner tags have skyrocketed. Calling around the prices are crazy...but worse....they are almost all sold.

NM 16d tag- $8,500
NM 36 tag- $8,200
Just about any Utah LO tag over $10k up to $18,000.
Heck a Oregon Mt Emily tag was sold at $13,000

Yep everyone wants to hunt elk......plan accordingly.
How did you not draw a tag in Montana? They had leftovers they put up for sale after the draw. I'm guessing you applied for the "big game combo" instead of the "elk combo". The deer tag in Montana is the hard part.

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Feb 27, 2012
Tijeras NM
Whats your thoughts on why everyone wants to hunt elk?

No surprise to many if you have been following along.....elk hunting has gotten crazy. It seems everyone wants to hunt elk for some reason!

Point creep has gone nuts in all of the limited areas. No tag for me in AZ,NM, WY,MT draws....even spending the extra $$ in the Wyo draw.

No slam dunk to get a gen tag in some states anymore...heck I couldn't even get a leftover tag after not getting a gen tag in MT. Leftover tags released online at 4;00am my time....I was trying to log in starting at 3;58 every 30 seconds. Got on right at 4;00am, into the credit card screen at 4;04am [site was going slow for me] and it wouldn't complete the transaction. Didn't get a tag either did my buddy. [now to those that tried my buddy got an email from MT saying they would give him the tag due to site issues- worth a shot if you have a transaction #]

Personally, I'm still waiting on Nev, but with 18 points and a 1.6% chance of drawing the tag I want- I'm not holding my breath. :rolleyes:[yeah, I know other units give me up to 30% chance but heck I've waited this long...]

Landowner tags have skyrocketed. Calling around the prices are crazy...but worse....they are almost all sold.

NM 16d tag- $8,500
NM 36 tag- $8,200
Just about any Utah LO tag over $10k up to $18,000.
Heck a Oregon Mt Emily tag was sold at $13,000

Yep everyone wants to hunt elk......plan accordingly.