Toilet paper or wet wipes?

God wants you to bury your shit." We need a shirt with this info. Lots of variations on the google, but this is my favorite.

Deuteronomy 23:14

Tree of Life Version

14 You are to have a shovel for yourself among your weapons. Now when you sit down outside, you are to dig with it and turn and cover up what comes out of you.​
I also love that this is in "doo doo ronomy".
Always looking to learn something new for backcountry adventure…..these coin sized dehydrated wipes that just require a few drops of water sound like the ticket for “backcountry adventure”…..a few questions though:
Do I need to use filtered/treated water? Or do I just dunk them in the stream and then carry the appropriate distance away from said stream for my business?
Can I get giardia from this hygiene practice?
Can I buy Ivermectin infused versions?
Do I need to use filtered/treated water? Or do I just dunk them in the stream and then carry the appropriate distance away from said stream for my business?
Can I get giardia from this hygiene practice?
An atheist friend and avowed anti surface shitter is not considering accepting Jesus Christ into his heart after learning what the good book has to say about burying your poo.
Wet wipes. Doubles up as a shower.

Heard on the Exo podcast that some guys are dehydrating their wet wipes to save weight. Kinda genius actually.
Hadn’t thought of that, as those ounces can add up a longer hunts. I basically still go with the military field shower aka wet ones. Face/underarms/crotch, always in order.
you could just do what an ultralight backpacker I ran into one time did. Just shit in the creek and splash your ass like a bidet.

I consider that worst than surface shitting
you could just do what an ultralight backpacker I ran into one time did. Just shit in the creek and splash your ass like a bidet.

I consider that worst than surface shitting

Indeed. So in order of stupidity/severity of the crime, worst offense to proper etiquette:

  1. Shitting in a body of water
  2. Surface shitting
  3. Surface shitting and covering with a rock
  4. ?????
  5. Taking the minimal time/effort to dig a cathole and bury your poo like a civilized human
Both… First, with the paper to get the big stuff. Next with the wet wipes to leave it all squeaky, clean and good smelling!

Anybody who doesn’t bury is a barbarian. I hope they fall in it. Or their dog rolls in it and then comes back to camp and rolls around on the sleeping bag.
Kick a hole and crap in it. Wipe with paper towels followed by a wet wipe if needed. Toss used wipes in hole and light with a Bic lighter. When burned up pee on any embers left. Cover the hole. All that is left behind is poop and ashes in the covered hole. Been doing it that way for decades except the wet wipes are new.
You have a particular brand you prefer? First time I've heard of these. Wanting to pick some up before I leave for 7 days in the backcountry
I’ll have to check when I go up to my property this weekend since the big bags are up there but I am pretty sure Portawipe is the brand. I picked up about 200 for $25 last time I bought some. When unfolded they are surprisingly big too it’s probably close to 10”x10”. Can tear or cut in half for more wipes out of one
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Always looking to learn something new for backcountry adventure…..these coin sized dehydrated wipes that just require a few drops of water sound like the ticket for “backcountry adventure”…..a few questions though:
Do I need to use filtered/treated water? Or do I just dunk them in the stream and then carry the appropriate distance away from said stream for my business?
Can I get giardia from this hygiene practice?
Can I buy Ivermectin infused versions?
Honestly I did think about this when I first started using them so always used filtered water in the backcountry but in cases of emergency I have just used whatever water I could find including just spitting on them. Also read that giardia has to be transmitted by mouth and travel the through the entire digestive tract/process where it multiplies in the small intestine. So going in the other way might not be possible but I’m not positive on that maybe just lucky so far. They only take a couple drops and then you can start pulling at it to expand into a wipe so not much water needed at all
Always looking to learn something new for backcountry adventure…..these coin sized dehydrated wipes that just require a few drops of water sound like the ticket for “backcountry adventure”…..a few questions though:
Do I need to use filtered/treated water? Or do I just dunk them in the stream and then carry the appropriate distance away from said stream for my business?
Can I get giardia from this hygiene practice?
Can I buy Ivermectin infused versions?

I forgot I had these they really are a good idea to have a ziplock full in the pack