Where would you go out East?


Apr 21, 2018
Northern Nevada
A cast and blast in the boundary waters would be fun. Not sure if this is even doable, but the idea of canoeing around fishing and shooting birds is enticing. There are some wilderness areas in east Texas and Arkansas that would be fun to go on a hog/deer hunt in.
I do love cast and blast. Bass and doves at the irrigation ponds around the house I grew up in come to mind. Best Labor Day weekends ever besides chasing blacktails.
Jun 6, 2020
Boise, Idaho
Starting this tread got me thinking and I started looking up outfitters in the Adirondacks. Now, I know they all can't be judged on the first few in a google search, but still, very reasonably priced. Granted, deer density is low and I'm guessing you'll see much more action if you hunt some private farmland in the Southern Tier. But still... its seems like a very doable adventure and would be fun with some buddies.
Oct 14, 2017
Boston Ma
A month after he was born? Dedication right there.

yup I got the email reminder application deadline and it just happened to be right after he was born. My wife thinks it’s ridiculous but I’d rather have the kids with 10-12 points at the age I started really getting into hunting than realize they want to hunt and start putting in points when they are 10-12.


Apr 21, 2018
Northern Nevada
yup I got the email reminder application deadline and it just happened to be right after he was born. My wife thinks it’s ridiculous but I’d rather have the kids with 10-12 points at the age I started really getting into hunting than realize they want to hunt and start putting in points when they are 10-12.
Father of the year ladies and gentlemen. Nothing like investing for the future. Good for you man. I had the talk with my wife along time ago about ridiculousness, yup, married a good one. Not much has changed.


Jun 6, 2012
You won't get many Western guys interested. It's been asked before and most have little interest. There is a lot to offer here, so sitting in a tree stand back east doesn't sound good to many westerners and turkeys are a joke to many. Most hunting shows have given a terrible impression of what Midwest, Eastern, and Southern hunting is; box blinds, food plots, deer that you have so many photos of that you've named, Ozonics lol, etc.

Ive lived and hunted Midwest, so know the shows are a joke for the most part and there is real hunting and real hunters back east that don't act like backslapping heehawing idiots.

I can hunt whitetails, turkeys, and ducks back home in IL, so that's already a given. Coastal ducks always sounded like fun. I'm planning to do a public land Osceola hunt sometime soon.


Aug 27, 2013
If you're coming to the Northeast, I think a summer trip to New England for fishing is probably better than hunting for most people here. Tuna, Sharks, Stripers, Bluefish are all easily accessible with a charter and maybe on the same day. Plenty of stripers from shore. Couple that with touring, boating, kayaking the coast of Maine, eating fresh Lobster, and a trip to camp / hike Acadia or Katahdin would be a great week-long family trip too.

Hunting: The big woods deer hunts are fun, you just don't see very many, and most of them are a lot smaller than anything you see in the midwest. There are some bruisers mixed in, I've still never killed one though.


Dec 17, 2016
yup I got the email reminder application deadline and it just happened to be right after he was born. My wife thinks it’s ridiculous but I’d rather have the kids with 10-12 points at the age I started really getting into hunting than realize they want to hunt and start putting in points when they are 10-12.

keep your fingers crossed they want to hunt when they are at the age to do so. ;)

for me, Sitka deer would bring me to the east coast, that’s about it.


Jan 1, 2015
ive been going every spring pretty much my entire life with my grandfather my dad and brother, Our ritual was stop at LL Bean buy some flies and get breakfast at McDonalds which was an old fire station, last year I got to take my kids up with the old man it was pretty awesome. We usually stay in Rockwood and fish the moose River, it can be hit or miss due to flows but when it’s good it can be tremendous. I went alone this year It was my Father’s Day present and I met an old timer up there that invited me back up to his camp to deer hunt which I’ve never done out of state. I’ve always wanted to deer hunt up there but always get to distracted chasing local deer to make the trip up north. I hope to make it up there in the next year or so to hunt
Deer hunting in Maine would be awesome. They have some big deer there. I grew up reading about the Benoit's tracking Maine deer. I used to run into a guy elk hunting in Colorado who was originally from Vermont and he knew the Benoit family well. Great stories if you never read about them. Have fun.


Sep 9, 2013
Not sure I'm sure what you mean by "Inches = Dollars taking hold"?

Used to be a lot of knock on doors private access. Or if you owned a property all the neighbors knew you and let you hunt. That completely dried up over the past 20-30 years. Anyone with 20 acres now thinks theyre Lee Lacockski. That effect has led to a lot of public land crowding as people lose hunting ground to leases and douchebags. And we wonder why kids would rather play video games when you step foot out of your yard youre tresspassing?
Jan 12, 2017
Idaho Falls,ID
I'd love to go fishing for brown trout on the great lakes or head to Florida for Permit and Pompano. Not much hunting I'm interested in besides hogs or Osceola turkeys.
Sep 20, 2018
In someone's favorite spot
Interesting topic. Being a Left Coaster who has only been as far east as Dotsero, Co I have always been curious about what kinda of adventures can be had in the north east and along the Atlantic. The north east has always fascinated me in a sense that it’s so different from the rolling oak hills and sage in my neck of the woods. Going on a whitetail hunt that doesn’t involve swap donkey or peanut bucker products sounds like fun. I will definitely be following this thread. Is nonresident moose in the north east even possible, never looked into it so please excuse my ignorance on the subject.
The far NE part of Maine and Northern parts of NH are simply beautiful country. Still surprisingly remote in places too.
Apr 8, 2019
Kinda surprised nobody has said NC coastal bears. Somebody hit one with car over 600# down east last year...I will say a cast and blast trip to the coast for ducks and redfish/trout in the surf is something I will do every year no matter where I live..its just too much fun, put in the draw for a Tundra Swan tag if your planning a trip, fun hunt too.


Jun 4, 2017
You hit the nail on the head. When I was young and getting into hunting in PA, I can only remember one piece of property that had posted signs on it. People who owned land welcomed hunters, especially youth hunters. The exact opposite is true here now. Every privately owned piece of land is now closed to a select few. If it was this way when I was a kid, I am not sure I would be a hunter. I now hunt public land or land that is privately owned but open to the public. I find it much less crowded than the "posted" ground that surrounds it. It is only going to get worse. I am glad I have a camp now surrounded by state owned land.


Sep 2, 2018
I try to get back to Wisco every October to hunt ducks on the Upper Mississippi. Goal is to have my Elk tag punched in Sept with a bonus of Muley before I head back as well. For me hunting ducks on that huge expanse of habitat is pretty dang close to calling in elk. Also great to meet up with family and friends, last year we had license plates from ID, Virginia and Illinois at the landing, talk about non-resident pressure :sneaky:.
Sep 20, 2018
In someone's favorite spot
It’s definitely on the list of places to visit and hopefully hunt. The fishing sounds great back there as well.
It is. I have a buddy who lives near the border of ME and Canada, and he's constantly spamming me with photos of smallmouth, largemouth, pickerel, pike and trout he catches all at the same place. If I were ever to live East of the Miss again, it will only be in the north woods of Maine, NH, Michigan or Wisconsin. I just hate to be that far from the real mountains in the West.


Feb 17, 2019
I've been hog hunting in Arkansas and Georgia. Duck hunting is great in Arkansas. Turkey hunting in Kentucky and Georgia. In shore fishing in Georgia. Grew up hunting deer and turkey in Missouri. There's also great fishing in Missouri. I have family that go fishing in Minnesota, Wisconsin and Michigan a lot and absolutely love it. Turkey in Tennessee seems reasonable. Maine has always appealed to me for some reason when it comes to fishing. I see great deer come out of Ohio every season. Pennsylvania is steppin it up in their quality of animals in my opinion. If you're into a more Southern twist gators in Louisiana would be fun! Bowfishing is a lot of fun as well!