Worst beer you ever drank?

Not a big fan of German styles tbh. That said I’m drinking genny red eyes to get through wall to wall meetings today so I’ll take what I can get.
Buckhorn. Get down to your last $2.00,while in college a long time ago, and it would buy a 12 pack of Bucky, bad stuff.
Carling Black Label on a hot day in North Idaho. Got a "bubble" where I couldn't swallow or burp for 30 minutes. I was 19 years old and didn't drink much beer to start with. Honestly never craved a beer the rest of the summer.
So we sold our house faster than we thought we would while building our new place. Taking some trash out to the temporary apartment trash cans, I noticed 5 unopened beers out of a 6 pack sitting on top of the can. Free beer right? So chilled it down and took a sip. Put the remaining 4 unopened beers back on top of the dumpster. Even free couldn't do it. Family thought I was nuts, they were right.
PBR, my dad, his brothers, and friends drank this chit, They then moved on to black label Beer and old Mill.

I tried some PBR 25 years ago and couldn't finish the can. I don't think tomato juice or clamato could have made it palatable.

I'm not much of a beer drinker in general but PBR is sewer water

Funny story from my past - When I was a new-ish deer hunter (about 16-18 years old), my dad used to let me have a couple beers at the hunting shack while all the older guys were tipping some back. My dad and his buddies were pilots and drank pretty hard those days. One year on the evening after deer opener, one of the guys comes up to me, puts his arm around me and says "I'm proud of you for staying in your stand from dawn to dusk, so you can drink as much of my beer as you want". Now, he was a 25 year old guy who with his old man would bring 4-5 cases of Blatz and Blatz Light to deer camp every year. At 16 years old I already thought it was horse piss, I had no idea why guys older than me thought it was any good. I replied "Thanks man!" and then avoided his beer all night.
Old style been mentioned yet? Or as we called it dog style! I farmed for a great guy that that lost half his right arm in a combine head accident trying unplug corn stalks. He lived on Kool lung darts and Schlitz we used to tell him that Schmitz was really the reason he lost his arm not the head of the combine. On a side note the man could do more with tools one handed than most with two hands! Miss the ol swede
I am not a beer snob, I drink craft brews but will also drink some high life or PBR. I think the worst beer I’ve ever had is bud ice or room temp 211.