Jan 23, 2014
No need to drive around with the tailgate down advertising what you have. We always covered up. Never had any issues cause noone knew what was there.

Came to the point we’d leave a day early or late cause there were always game checks on the last day of the season. They would divert anyone in a truck or van or car with a buckmaster sticker into a midstate rest area to be questioned and vehicle searched by dog, coolers by LEO.
Still illegal to drive with a deer in a truck with the tailgate UP in Wisconsin. It is considered hiding game from officers.
Jan 23, 2014
“First Nations can harvest anything, 24/7- 365 days a year, 24 hours a day.”

as they have done for thousands of years as is their right.
We had big treaty rights protest in Wisconsin and Minnesota cuz people are morons.
ended up the states took the tribes to court over federal treaty rights and the Fed’s were sitting with the tribes on day one and states lost.
ladies my wife worked with even approached her on ending federal ndn treaty rights cuz the “treaties were old” my wife calmly replied that our constitution is older so throw it out! They were shocked 😂 no more was said…
leave the native Americans alone.
I have no issue with tribes being able to hunt and fish under the treaties that were signed. I do have issue with the amount of wanton waste that is committed and nothing is done about. Gill nets left over winter in lakes full of walleye, pike and sturgeon that go to waste, when they can take as much as they want for subsidence. I also go back and forth personally on how I feel about the use of firearms for night hunting and spotlighting.
Sep 20, 2018
In someone's favorite spot
I have no issue with tribes being able to hunt and fish under the treaties that were signed. I do have issue with the amount of wanton waste that is committed and nothing is done about. Gill nets left over winter in lakes full of walleye, pike and sturgeon that go to waste, when they can take as much as they want for subsidence. I also go back and forth personally on how I feel about the use of firearms for night hunting and spotlighting.
No shortage of limb lines and trotlines left behind to kill fish and turtles and whatever else gets in their way down here in the South. Not a 1st nationer in sight either.


Feb 1, 2014
I don't have any issue with Native Americans having the right to subsistence hunt on reservation land or other land in the same manner used historically IF that right is protected by treaty. However, if modern seasons and bag limits don't apply then the methods used must match those used historically. No shooting swimming caribou with rifles from a motor boat. Spear or arrow as many as you want from a seal skin kayak and pull them to shore the same way. The mix of historical subsistence practices with modern methods is what strikes me as wrong and inconsistent with proper resource conservation.
Here they hammer the salmon and steelhead below the hatchery with treble hooks, snag them all. I'm wondering how long that's been a historical method of take for them?

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Feb 1, 2014
OK, so perhaps you took my statement wrong. first, I'm not against this thread only the attack on people who have nothing to do with showing or hiding antlers. second if having a basic education makes me a liberal then so be it. basic history 101 the white man (you and I) came here and decimated the native American population. it was in fact 1000% their land and we took it. now you are bashing them because you want to take more? there is no back pedaling. this doesn't apply to just Canada. now, I'm sure you won't read this as you clearly never read a book in school but let's keep this about the original issue of not having to hide antlers or who we are.
Where did the native Americans originate from? Everyone is an immigrant, either recently or in the distant past. Natives were taking each other's lands and slaves from other tribes for centuries before the white man came along. Don't act like they were all one big happy family and we crashed the party. I don't owe any group a dime for anything that happened centuries ago. I do work on reservations all the time, they aren't living off of wild game and fish. More like Big Macs and Whoppers.

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Feb 3, 2022
I do work on reservations all the time, they aren't living off of wild game and fish. More like Big Macs and Whoppers.....and firewater, and drugs, casino money and guilt
fixed it. At least, per my experience spending significant time on the rez...
Feb 3, 2022
Same as people everywhere else.
i dont typically have a sheriff/officer of a town im in stop me to ask how long ill be here, what i have of value, and instructions on keeping that value in my possession, along with "dont go there's less im looking for trouble".

however, i can safely say 3/3 for that occuring on rez land, and maybe 2/201 for non rez land

and yes, people of all color/creed/whininess can be bad. but, thats only 123,514 miles and 204 cities over two years of evidence, so maybe im skewed, but ive certainly picked up on trends.

..and im not in transportation for my profession nor am i a #vanlifer.



Classified Approved
May 16, 2020
Don't forget though, First Nations can harvest anything, 24/7- 365 days a year, 24 hours a day.
It's NOT about sustainability, BC has adopted the UNDRIP and it's dividing the population like never before causing more Racism than ever before.
Perhaps, if instead of dividing yourself, you used First Nations as a wedge to prize open closed liberal minds to the place hunting has in life you would get further. The way you write though, screams "I will divide my cause so others may conquer."

I understand where you are coming from, I have had a very similar response to native hunting rights in Alaska. However, the more I consider it, the more I realize it is the entitled victimhood mentality I despise. I now try to be glad they have opportunities that are otherwise shut. A native butchering a seal at a public dock is a beautiful thing, especially when a liberal is around.
Feb 3, 2022
Perhaps, if instead of dividing yourself, you used First Nations as a wedge to prize open closed liberal minds to the place hunting has in life you would get further. The way you write though, screams "I will divide my cause so others may conquer."

I understand where you are coming from, I have had a very similar response to native hunting rights in Alaska. However, the more I consider it, the more I realize it is the entitled victimhood mentality I despise. I now try to be glad they have opportunities that are otherwise shut. A native butchering a seal at a public dock is a beautiful thing, especially when a liberal is around.
Just going to make a few highlights.
Dec 31, 2021
I was born and raised on the reservation. No bitches it is their land and they can do what they want on it. However I did learn early on that "out of sight - out of mind". I have a canopy on my truck. Things don't disappear out of the back of it. Call it common sense - defensive planning or whatever turns your crank.

For the rules in Wisconsin - their state - their rules. I have no plans to go there- ever. I find the game warden shows on tv- (texas, vermont, new hampshire) oppressive and intrusive. You folks need to fix those states you live in.


Jun 21, 2022
i dont typically have a sheriff/officer of a town im in stop me to ask how long ill be here, what i have of value, and instructions on keeping that value in my possession, along with "dont go there's less im looking for trouble".

however, i can safely say 3/3 for that occuring on rez land, and maybe 2/201 for non rez land

and yes, people of all color/creed/whininess can be bad. but, thats only 123,514 miles and 204 cities over two years of evidence, so maybe im skewed, but ive certainly picked up on trends.

..and im not in transportation for my profession nor am i a #vanlifer.

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our cars have reservation license plates and several times I have had state troopers or sheriff squad cars going to pass me but slow down change lanes and get right behind me until the license plate info is sent thru the computer and then they move on. Hard to say how many times the plates on my car I used for traveling to construction sites around the country have been read just cuz ndn plate.
to be fare though the technology exist to today where all plates can be read quickly as they look for people that have warrants out for them.