Cuben TarpTent?


Mar 15, 2014
Boise, Idaho
TarpTent just threw up a teaser video of a soon-to-be tent that definitely looks like cuben fiber (DCF). Can't tell if it's an existing model or new, but either way, very exciting!
I wonder how they define "soon" :-D If it's 1 week, I may wait, 1 year... I'll probably buy the bowfin.
From the limited research I've done, I'm not sure I would make or buy a cuben fiber shelter. Spend some time on Have got a sample or two and thought of making shelters from it but with reading other's accounts and seeing a manufactuter or two I know use, then not use it... I'm sure Henry knows what he's doing so I'll be very interested to see what he comes up with. I keep on coming back to 1.1oz silnylon for outer walls everytime I pour time and energy into doing research on the 'new' fabrics out there. Until now, at least, Henry has felt similarly as he emphatically states on his site they use 30d silnylon and won't go lighter weight. We'll see...
I've always thought that the perfect one man tent would be my single wall Tarptent Moment with a cuben fly. You'd cut some weight, and have no sagging with cold and moisture. I would, however, keep the sil nylon floor for durability. I was disappointed to see what looks like a cuben floor on this new model.
I believe the new model will have an option for the sil-nylon floor since it is identical to the Notch.
I've always thought that the perfect one man tent would be my single wall Tarptent Moment with a cuben fly. You'd cut some weight, and have no sagging with cold and moisture. I would, however, keep the sil nylon floor for durability. I was disappointed to see what looks like a cuben floor on this new model.

Confirmed, you can order the notch, with the exact same specs you want.
Unfortunately, I don't use trekking poles. The Moment has an arch pole, only 2 stakes (4 makes it bomber), and more square footage than the Notch. With the sil floor and the support poles they sell, the Lithium is the exact same weight as my Moment, smaller, and costs $600. Bummer.