Fat Guy Weekly Weigh In.

Week 9 = 0 change. I'm surprised as I certainly backslid on the alcohol and sugars intake due to local college graduation parties and GoT watching.
Week 5, 199.0, another pound and a half from last week, 11.5 pounds over all. First time under 200 in probably 3 years and leaner than I’ve ever been, added a new hole to the belt over the weekend. I’ll bump my calories back up a little and maintain over the next week and a half until I leaves for Idaho, then I’m back to a clean bulk. Keep training guys!
Still hovering at ~170. Last week was tough for me. Spent Monday night and Tuesday in the hospital. Had physical and chemical signs of a heart attack. Turns out it’s just bad acid reflux. I’m still iffy on why I had elevated troponin levels, but I’m not a cardiologist. He says I’m good to go and it wasn’t a cardiac issue at all. So I ran a half marathon last night.

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Still hovering at ~170. Last week was tough for me. Spent Monday night and Tuesday in the hospital. Had physical and chemical signs of a heart attack. Turns out it’s just bad acid reflux. I’m still iffy on why I had elevated troponin levels, but I’m not a cardiologist. He says I’m good to go and it wasn’t a cardiac issue at all. So I ran a half marathon last night.

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Now that’s how you move past a scare like a Boss!
3/11 - 218.2
3/18 - 215.9
3/25 - 214.7
4/2 - 215.9
4/8 - 216.1
4/15 - 217.2 ... (n)
5/3 - 212.5
5/8 - 213

5/15 - 212.2

This around the lightest I've been over the last 20 years. I started last winter at about 228 and a few years ago I was pushing 235. I'm in no rush to lose the last 10-15 lbs because I see this as a lifestyle change. It took awhile to get on, it'll take a awhile to get rid of it. The problem in the past would be that I would get down to 210 or so and then lose focus, stop working out or dieting and then pile it back on. I've been working out consistently 4-5 days a week at 0530 for about three years now, alternating between heavy weights and cardio & HIIT style workouts. Ran six miles this morning, half of which were a class 5 climb (which I didn't know what that was until Mapmyrun told me). 3.5 mile race next Tuesday and then a 8k trail race in early June (which I practiced last Saturday and did better than my original goal for the race). 200lbs would be just fine for Mid-Sept when I'm waking up in the WY mountains listening to bugles.
Start of this fat guy thread 240.6(250 on New Years Day)
3/11 235.2
3/18 232.9
3/25 230.2
4/1 226.5
4/8 223.9
4/15 221
4/22 220
5/6 216.9
5/13 217.3(n)
5/20 214.7

Feeling pretty good. I’m noticing a big difference in the gym, on rucks and at life in general. I love that all my old t shirts are starting to fit again.
Still hovering at ~170. I’m contemplating trying to drop about 10 more pounds but that would require me to go on diet that’s too restricting to enjoy life. Over the past month I’ve stayed right where I want to be while having a pretty lax diet. I don’t think I want to make myself miserable just to look good on the beach. The better half isn’t going anywhere anytime soon anyway.

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I will jump in here as well. I am 197 lbs and just hit 40 this year. I want to get leaner but even with alot of exercise, I just can't seem to get the tire off my mid section. In my early 30's I was cycling 90+ miles per week and could eat whatever I wanted and weighed around 180 and had a super flat stomach. Not sure how to get back to those days but do know that nutrition is key and am doing a much better job meal prepping these days to control that aspect of it.

Our grocery store here (HEB) has these $5-$7 meals you just throw in the oven and they have been the main deal breakers for us with staying consistent with the meal prep. They are super tasty and so easy to prepare for the week.

I will be coming from sea level to 11,000 ft EL in September and know that I will be sucking wind for sure. I'm rooting for you guys.
246.8 this morning - down three pounds from last week.

I second the joy of wearing old shirts, really feels nice to comfortably throw on some clothes that have been hanging for years. Although now I'm a little worried that things will get expensive if new hunting gear is needed... good problem to have I suppose.
3/4 - 242
4/1 - 230
4/8 - 229
4/15 - 227
4/22 - 227.8
4/29 - 227.6
5/7 - 226.6
5/13 - 224.6
5/20 - 222.2

Did an all day hike yesterday looking for sheds. I haven't hit the hills in a few weeks and it's amazing the difference I felt yesterday. The scale might rebound a bit next week since I was probably a little dehydrated this morning, but oh well. Gonna spend this week making sure I hold on to that 2.4 lb drop.
Still at 197 this week. Was down to 195 middle of last week then we had people over for a fish fry friday. I haven't eaten that many carbs in a day this year. This might be a personal low with my current situation. The last time I weighed 190 was before we had our son. I could go to the gym and/or run everyday. Gotta keep working at it, this thread has done wonders for keeping myself in check week to week.
Gain for the week for me. It was like I took a week off on healthy eating and activity, and I paid for it by an extra 2 lbs.

Fat Guy Thread
3/24 240.6
4/1 239.1
4/6 235.5
4/8 236.7
4/15 234.2
4/22 230.5
4/23 229.3
4/29 227.6
5/6 227.8 (gain .2)
6/13 224.2
5/20 226.6 (gain 2.4)

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