keeping the Kifaru EMR2 neat


Mar 9, 2016
All pics i've seen of the EMR2 seem to show multiple long straps hanging off it. Has anyone who has an EMR2 found a way to keep the pack neat, with any excess lengths tucked away somehow?
I have a similarly scrappy Nomad/Camp Bag combo and there are plenty of places to tuck the loose ends. I usually just double them up and tuck it under the part of the strap under tension. Quick to secure/quick to access.
Web dominators.

I found a much cheaper source for them, I will look it up and post it tomorrow. I think I got them for 60 for 70 cents each, but you have to cut and burn the bungee yourself.
I use what many call ranger bands for strap management. They are basically pieces of bicycle inner tube cut about 1/2 inch to 1 inch wide. A GOOGLE search on ranger bands will give you lots of examples and pictures. I made my own from old inner tubes I got from my local bicycle repair store. They GAVE me a bunch of old punctured inner tubes that they replaced. Just make sure to get the small ones, you want them to be a little bit wider than your straps when pressed flat. Otherwise they won't snug down on the straps enough.

Slip them down the strap and then you can fold over the excess and tuck it under the ranger band. For those familiar with the old ALICE packs they work the same way as the elastic loops it had on its straps.
I also use the Velcro One Wrap like they sell on the Kifaru site. Bought a coyote tan 12' roll for $5.65 on Amazon. I
probably have about 11' excess if anyone needs me to send them a foot! :)
I use the web dominators on my pack and they work well for me. Still not sure if they are the end all be all but I don't lose them like the pieces of Velcro webbing that came with my Exo Mountain pack.
I just tuck my loose straps in. That bag has so many straps on it, I'd be 20 minutes wrapping each one up....and then realize I needed something in the pack and have to do it all over again.