Rush Limbaugh Passed Away today


Dec 12, 2015
I dont do politics, but looking back at my younger days i would have identified myself as a liberal minded individual, got all my news from sources like CNN, and NPR. Discovered Rush about 12 years ago, did not care for him at first. Something attracted me to what he was saying and I continued to tune in. Over the years I found myself agreeing with just about everything he spoke of,and as of the last 6 years or so i cant look at the other side the same. I have been converted completely to a more conservative mindset and truly believe i was fed nothing but lies from the liberal media.
Count me in as one of his loyal supporters and i will truly miss hearing his voice.
R.I.P. sir.


Dec 12, 2020
As a person he was the greatest of Americans, a true patriot. As a radio personality he provided a tremendous amount of information along with opinion and the ability to mix great humor with it. There simply is no replacing him, the nation has suffered a great loss. More than any other one thing he fought for this country and we the people. "taking on liberals with half my brain tied behind my back just to make it fair". We can all do that, but Rush did it better than anyone else!
Rest now in paradise.
Dec 30, 2014
I listened to Rush (and hannity, jason Lewis, etc) a lot when I was an impressionable young lad in HS and college. Back when I thought twisting every current event into a way to prove us conservatives were the noble ones and liberals were scum was the same as being educated on the issues. I’m glad I realized that stuff was poisoning my thought process eventually.
Dec 30, 2014
You realized it based on what wg? Because big Rach Maddow told you so or was it Donny Lemon?

I realized I was looking for an argument to support my side in everything rather than trying to think for myself. Anyone who dared have a thought contrary to the republican platform must be a brainwashed MSNBC Lib (sound familiar?) rather than just a person willing to think openly or with different life experience/values. If a show is only talking about aspects of issues in a manner that makes you seem like the good one and another side the bad one, it's not education it's indoctrination.

The really sad thing is propagandists like Rush might be a necessary evil to energize conservatives enough to offset the leftist propagandists and media. Both sides pushing their base to hate each other and make a political platform their identity so they can be energized to consume more propaganda. Heaven forbid people look at issues openly, they might not be as energized to defeat the "other" if they don't hate them as much.
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Jan 24, 2014
Zeeland, MI
Rush my dear friend, thank you. Know one could frame an argument into clarity the way you could. Agree or not, a substantive discussion was alas possible.

I applaud, that for those who believe in our constitution as intended and written and in correlation with faith based originators - few know the influence you had on many national leaders in these principles.

thank you for sharing mine and millions of others opinions so political leadership at least heard

in closing, thanks for doing so in a way that made my smile often.



Jun 6, 2020
Years ago I worked 8 at night to 8 in the morning running a printing press. Would come home take a nap then get on my John Deere. I think listening to Rush was all that kept me awake. I will miss him.
I was the opposite, I did like what he talked about and agree he had very valid points and was a very intelligent guy but when I was a sheriffs deputy, my FTO would only listen to him and Michael savage all night long. 6p-6a. He hated anything other than that and christian rock. I hate both now with a burning passion because of just sitting there listening to that all night long.


Oct 28, 2014
I realized I was looking for an argument to support my side in everything rather than trying to think for myself. Anyone who dared have a thought contrary to the republican platform must be a brainwashed MSNBC Lib (sound familiar?) rather than just a person willing to think openly or with different life experience/values. If a show is only talking about aspects of issues in a manner that makes you seem like the good one and another side the bad one, it's not education it's indoctrination.

The really sad thing is propagandists like Rush might be a necessary evil to energize conservatives enough to offset the leftist propagandists and media. Both sides pushing their base to hate each other and make a political platform their identity so they can be energized to consume more propaganda. Heaven forbid people look at issues openly, they might not be as energized to defeat the "other" if they don't hate them as much.


Dec 12, 2020
"If a show is only talking about aspects of issues in a manner that makes you seem like the good one and another side the bad one, it's not education it's indoctrination."

That would be near all shows. All people should have an open mind and Rush sure did. He quickly came to his own conclusions in some cases and over time with others, as all people should. Rush never indoctrinated me in any way, I rarely had a chance to listen to him. When I did, we simply agreed on near everything.
May 16, 2020
Damn, that's awful.
Anybody that would add a 'laugh emoji' with this is mentally defective.

For those looking for a cheat sheet of those around here who oppose much of your philosophy--they're easy to find now.
Sorry, is the laugh emoji more offensive than the thumbs up?


Sep 29, 2014
North Idaho
Sorry, is the laugh emoji more offensive than the thumbs up?
I didn't agree with Rush on everything, in fact there were issues I thought he was downright infuriating. Hey Rush, SECONDHAND SMOKE IS INDEED POISON!
But with the bigger picture, his take was my take, and not the other way around.

Anyone who gloats in the death of another is sick in the head. Rush, like Trump, was enormously benevolent with his wealth for those less fortunate.
But that type of news seldom found it's way down the insect holes where the haters dwell. Even if it did, it would have been ignored.