Biden Administration imposes lead bans in 8 F&W areas

Mar 16, 2021
Western Iowa
So do people think that bird shot should be lead and bullets? Or just that lead bullet restrictions is going to far?
I've been using lead birdshot my entire life for upland birds, rabbits, and squirrels. Steel is for waterfowl production areas only, at least in Iowa.

If I recall, and the waterfowlers like @KurtR can correct me if I'm wrong, the ban on lead shot for waterfowl stemmed from canadian goose mortality in the Dakotas and MN. The birds skimmed the bottom of waterbodies for food or whatever, and ended up ingesting lead pellets after decades of hunting these areas with lead shot. Birds were tested and found positive for lead poisoning, and the rest is history.

The other arguments for banning lead bullets are due to bald eagle, golden eagle, and condor mortality if I remember right. These scavengers feed on big game carcasses, ingest lead fragments, and bingo bango get lead poisoning and die.

EDIT: lead bullets and slugs are legal in Iowa, and bald eagle population recovery hasn't blinked one iota. We never had an eagle when I was a kid (DDT) and now we have so many the novelty is gone. There are nesting sites up and down the Raccoon River valley and its tributaries. They feed on carrion of all sorts, including roadkill and the deag hogs that are dragged out of hog confinements for the rendering truck. In this they've taken over for the turkey vultures that vacation in the south.
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Sep 11, 2015
South Dakota
I've been using lead birdshot my entire life for upland birds, rabbits, and squirrels. Steel is for waterfowl production areas only, at least in Iowa.

If I recall, and the waterfowlers like @KurtR can correct me if I'm wrong, the ban on lead shot for waterfowl stemmed from canadian goose mortality in the Dakotas and MN. The birds skimmed the bottom of waterbodies for food or whatever, and ended up ingesting lead pellets after decades of hunting these areas with lead shot. Birds were tested and found positive for lead poisoning, and the rest is history.

The other arguments for banning lead bullets are due to bald eagle, golden eagle, and condor mortality if I remember right. These scavengers feed on big game carcasses, ingest lead fragments, and bingo bango get lead poisoning and die.

EDIT: lead bullets and slugs are legal in Iowa, and bald eagle population recovery hasn't blinked one iota. We never had an eagle when I was a kid (DDT) and now we have so many the novelty is gone. There are nesting sites up and down the Raccoon River valley and its tributaries. They feed on carrion of all sorts, including roadkill and the deag hogs that are dragged out of hog confinements for the rendering truck. In this they've taken over for the turkey vultures that vacation in the south.
you pretty much nailed it. I can see in the future that lead shot for any birds even upland will be banned.


Mar 29, 2017
I've been using lead birdshot my entire life for upland birds, rabbits, and squirrels. Steel is for waterfowl production areas only, at least in Iowa.

If I recall, and the waterfowlers like @KurtR can correct me if I'm wrong, the ban on lead shot for waterfowl stemmed from canadian goose mortality in the Dakotas and MN. The birds skimmed the bottom of waterbodies for food or whatever, and ended up ingesting lead pellets after decades of hunting these areas with lead shot. Birds were tested and found positive for lead poisoning, and the rest is history.

The other arguments for banning lead bullets are due to bald eagle, golden eagle, and condor mortality if I remember right. These scavengers feed on big game carcasses, ingest lead fragments, and bingo bango get lead poisoning and die.

EDIT: lead bullets and slugs are legal in Iowa, and bald eagle population recovery hasn't blinked one iota. We never had an eagle when I was a kid (DDT) and now we have so many the novelty is gone. There are nesting sites up and down the Raccoon River valley and its tributaries. They feed on carrion of all sorts, including roadkill and the deag hogs that are dragged out of hog confinements for the rendering truck. In this they've taken over for the turkey vultures that vacation in the south.
Wyoming is loaded with eagles... and hunters who use lead projectiles. Go figure!


Jun 8, 2016

This guy called and wants some of his arguments back.



Oct 30, 2023
This thread is way to long to read the whole thing... but I will put another 2c on the pile for kicks.

I switched to copper a few years ago and wont go back to lead. Very good performance. I don't like the idea that I might be killing or hurting a bird that eats the gut pile if I use lead. Lead ingestion probably won't hurt mammals, but it gets caught in bird gizzards and causes problems from what I gather. I still shoot lead sometimes for small game, but have got to where I feel a bit bad about it, since I don't want to cause harm to species I am not hunting.

I think switching to copper (or something else similar) is a nice thing we can do as hunters to show we care about conservation.. doesn't cost much extra, so is a pretty simple step


Apr 12, 2019
And yet all of us born before 1980 are alive and well today...
Growing up I carried my lead pellets for my Sheridan air rifle in my on almost a daily basis, from 8 years of age to probably 18, and swallowed probably many. Did the same to carry my small split shot for catching brookies in the creeks. At that time I didn’t know any better, but never had an issue of any kind. And I am positive I “ ate” more that way then the bullet fragments in all the animals and birdsI I and my family have killed. Over the last 55 plus years. I know it’s a real thing, but I think it’s being blowen out of proportion in this case. Now Covid was invented by humans on purpose and has killed far far more people then lead ever has. And that was their intention, our health nor wildlife, lives is not our governments concern believe me. They would love to see each of us eat a pound of lead a day, just not shoot an animal with it. Our government is about control, total control.
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Apr 12, 2019
This thread is way to long to read the whole thing... but I will put another 2c on the pile for kicks.

I switched to copper a few years ago and wont go back to lead. Very good performance. I don't like the idea that I might be killing or hurting a bird that eats the gut pile if I use lead. Lead ingestion probably won't hurt mammals, but it gets caught in bird gizzards and causes problems from what I gather. I still shoot lead sometimes for small game, but have got to where I feel a bit bad about it, since I don't want to cause harm to species I am not hunting.

I think switching to copper (or something else similar) is a nice thing we can do as hunters to show we care about conservation.. doesn't cost much extra, so is a pretty simple step
Damn, how many animals do you not recover. If worried it’s in the gut pile, you could always bury or burn the gut piles, so birds won’t get it. I am trying copper bullets to see how they perform, as I know the day is coming it will be required. When I do see dead animals, road kill or other wise. 90 percent of the birds on the carcass are crows and magpies. Once in a great while maybe a turkey vulture. Very rarely, like twice in my life and Eagle, In Texas same thing but throw in a few Caracas. And believe me there is no shortage of any of them. Growing up we only seen magpies, not a single crow ( ravens) or Caracas. And they are every where now, tons of them. To the point they are a problem many places.
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Oct 24, 2020
East TN
I bought enough Eldm bullets for my creedmoor and prc to last a lifetime, unless the government is going to pay me to swap them to copper I will continue to us them.