When was your first year hunting OTC Elk in Colorado?

'17 for archery. Haven't been back since but it was fun hunt. Killed a little 5 point that had just stripped his velvet and met another solo hunter who to this day is a good friend.
2009. I didn't get to Colorado till 2008. Too busy as a blue collar worker and being a dad to three children and the youth coach in every sport imaginable. Job #1 was Dad. Mine was killed in Vietnam.

I was 48 when I found Colorado and I have been back every year , most years twice. The Mountains simply stole my soul.
2004 or 2005

What a wake up call it was. Prior to that I had the priveledge of always hunting with my old man and his buddies on private land for elk where we enjoyed a 100% success rate.
second year was '84--------there was a lot of learning goin on back then. from yellow rubber rain gear to sorrells. LOL.