Tall Bipod recommendation...need recommendation


Jun 11, 2016
I would highly recommend the Vanguard mentioned above. I have thousands of dollars in bipods and use that tall Vanguard the most these days. Also, for what I think you're describing you want, EOL makes tall leg extensions that would be permanently set if swapped their normal legs out. I personally wouldn't want that long option all the time and have no issues with the few second it takes adjusting a Vanguard or Harris.
Feb 3, 2019
Thanks for the recommendation! But what I am looking for is something I can use to shoot from a seated position. I wish they made a notched leg one that goes to 25", but they don't to my knowlege.

What would be really cool is if you could set a 'stop'. So you could get something that goes 27 inches, but then set it to open only to what fits your need, whether that's 23 inches or 27 or whatever. Suppose Sled's point about letting the spring sorta auto set it works too....if only they would do that on the longer pods.

I get a "CamoFire" notice of sales on random stuff daily, THAT is where I first saw the new Vanguard models - I was drawn to the lighter advertised weight than Harris (which I have used for years), so imagine how pleasantly surprised I was to see how many well thought out new details I found in the SEATED model I purchased - FYI, this morning's CamoFire had them for $49.99 again but they're going fast - That's the 4th time I've seen them on that site, bought 2 more for the sons since my first purchase

Tell ya what, buy one and if you don't agree that it's a good choice I'll buy it from you for the original $50 so you are out nothing except shipping and you can send it the cheapest way you can find ....


Sep 25, 2015
Thanks for the heads up, that's a good price, but I think cutting my Harris down to size has solved my issue. Though I was thinking of maybe doing a review on the various pods later this year if I can make the time, so might pick one up just to see how it works.


Jul 15, 2017
I bought one of the Hatch bipods at the Expo, so far only had it out to do some long range prone shooting. Seems to be the best of both worlds, combing the ability to go low like a 6-9, and tall like the Harris 27.